Gotta Do Something – But What? – Part 2

Mark Thomey

[This is Part 2 of 2, for first part:

The next day, I got a brief reply from a man on the distribution list who I’ll call Joe. Here, in part, is what he had to say.

Mark has some good points. No doubt the two parties are fairly similar. We have been losing our freedoms for the last 100 years or so, no matter which party was in power. There is a possibility that Mark is right about the system being broken beyond repair. Furthermore I agree with his assessment of the Fed. There is no doubt America is headed for rough times and potentially the end of America.

The one thing I disagree with is Mark’s opinion about Northerners. No one I know in the North has animosity toward Southerners. Please don’t stereotype all Northerners because of comments by a few. Seriously, can’t we just all get along and be Americans? Black, white, red, does it matter? Can’t we unite and forget the color of our skin, our creed, the wealth in our pockets or our geographical location? Is it possible to unite as free men repressed by a centralized tyrannical government?

I don’t know about you, but I’m glad the country wasn’t divided during the Civil War. Not only that, but I’m glad the North won ending slavery and uniting the Country. I don’t see this so much as the North vs. the South, or even Republicans vs. Democrats, I see it as free men vs. a tyrannical, out of control government. Make no mistake this is not a war against the powers that be, this is Spiritual Warfare and without God we will not win.

I could tell by his response that he had mistaken some of my commentary and pretty much missed the point of the rest of it; therefore, I composed another reply to try and clarify my positions and drive home my points of argument.

Dear Joe, et. al.:

With all charity, Joe, allow me to suggest that you are still a deck chair re-arranger and therefore hope in vain come November. May I also suggest that your exhortation  for us to all get along under one big tent is a misjudgment of human nature and of God’s TRUE diversity of creation.

God divided us into different nations and tongues resulting in a multitude of cultures and their associated societal, economic, and political ideals. As a Catholic, I believe that the power of the Gospel, and the eventual conversion of ALL nations to faith in Christ, does not mean that we will all forget our skin colour, or our cultures, or our homelands, and their distinctions from one another. It will, however, mean that through Christian charity and the observance of the golden rule, we will all be able to get along as GOOD NEIGHBOURS. Each of us can practice our own ways in peace under our own tents.

As for my supposed negative opinion and stereotyping of all northerners, I have said many, many times that not all northerners are ‘yankees’. I happen to know a good number of northern folks who share my love of liberty and hatred of the u. s. empire, and like me, they desire their independence from it. However, they, like me, also recognize that beyond that desire for independence, we have some very different ideas about what LIBERTY should look like and how it should function in our new countries. We can each look at the other and say, without any animosity, that, ‘You just ain’t like us.’ We can live and let live and be good neighbours without wasting all our energy figuring out how to gain control of Washington, D.C so each of us, in turn, can dictate terms to the other. What a fool’s errand that is!!

And with all due respect, Joe, if you think that most northerners, especially yankees, don’t hold the South, her people, and their culture in contempt then you’ve got your head in the sand. I understand your desire to be charitable, but you’ve got to be realistic. In modern America, which is dominated by the yankee myth, the South is the whipping boy, fit only for scorn, ridicule, and annihilation. So you must forgive me if I refuse to aid and abet my, and my people’s, destruction.

The three hundred some-odd million of us that occupy what we call ‘the united States’ may all be ‘Americans’, but depending on where we’re from, we have VERY DIVERGENT ideas about what an ‘American’ is, and what it means to be one. One size does NOT fit all, Joe. Northern ways and Southern ways can not co-exist under the same government. This is a truth that was recognized early on by great statesmen such as Patrick Henry, but it was swept under the rug to fester until April of 1861, much to everyone’s detriment.

As for the South’s loss of her struggle for independence in the 1860’s, and your hatred of today’s tyranny and desire to be rid of it, allow me to say that you suffer from the same logical disconnect that many, many other folks do over this issue. You say you are ‘glad the country wasn’t divided’, ‘glad the north won ending slavery and uniting the country’. If that is the case, Joe, then you should be joyfully basking in the tyranny of today, because it was ushered into existence by the northern victory of arms that you applaud. The reason we have centralized, tyrannical government that is out of control is due to all those blue-clad yankee invaders/plunderers/rapists/arsonists who came down South to ‘save the union’. If you hate tyranny and centralized government, then you must hate the northern revolution of 1861-65 that gave birth to it.

Besides, it’s a crime against language and just law to refer to our current state of political affairs as a ‘union’ unless you precede it with the adjective SOVIET. Union necessarily implies free consent; therefore, calling the current united States a ‘union’ is as much a sham as calling a shotgun wedding ceremony a marriage.

Lastly, as to the bugaboo of slavery, well, suffice it to say that the yankees didn’t end slavery, they merely expanded the plantation making themselves Massa in the process. For anyone who has impartially studied the truth of antebellum slavery, you have to concede that we are for more enslaved today by the federal government than any negro was on a Southern plantation. As I said before about the medieval serf, at least the antebellum slave knew he was a slave. There was no subterfuge. Yet, by the overwhelming majority of masters, he was treated like a human being.

The slavery under which we suffer is far more evil and insidious. The u. s. government falsely tells us we’re free while constantly forging chains upon us. And like any obedient, docile, and fearful slave, most Americans happily accept their chains. They delude and comfort themselves by repeating, ‘America is the greatest and freest country in the world’. How convenient for the conquerors that their subjects have come to view them so lovingly. And unlike those Southern, Christian masters of old, the u.s. regime regards us as less than human. We are mere sheep for shearing, fodder for their cannons, and ants to be studied while they conduct their social experiments on us. This is the awful harvest we reap because of yankees ‘saving the union’.

My prayer for MY beloved country is that of General Robert E Lee, CSA;
May God grant the South a name and place among the nations of the earth!

So, to all my fellow Southrons who have read through to this point, I implore you, face the fact that the united States as you know it is not what you’ve been told it is. Wipe the star-spangled fairy dust from your eyes, stop re-arranging the deck chairs, and join the Southern National Congress in pursuing a Southern Solution for the Southern People. God save the South!

Mark Thomey is the Vice-Chairman of the Southern National Congress and current Chairman of the Alabama Delegation.

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