Constitution “Silly Stuff,” Says Illinois Congressman

Democrat Phil Hare confronted by constituents on Obamacare, membership of Socialist Party

Constitution Silly Stuff, Says Illinois Congressman 240810top

Paul Joseph Watson

Democratic Congressman Phil Hare, who caused outrage earlier this year when he told constituents who asked him about the legality of the health care bill, “I don’t worry about the constitution,” has sparked fresh consternation after he was caught on camera in an Illinois hotel labeling the founding document of America “silly stuff”.

Video confrontations with arrogant and dismissive Congress members uploaded to You Tube have come to represent the angst of the Tea Party movement, as elected representatives betray disdain and sometimes even open hostility to the rule of law that they are supposed to uphold on behalf of their constituents.

The latest example was provided by Illinois Congressman Phil Hare, who was asked on camera about his previous response to a question about Obamacare during a meeting with constituents, in which he told the audience “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this to be honest.”

The new clip shows a citizen asking Hare, “Where in the constitution does it say that you can force people to buy health care?” to which Hare responds, “Oh boy, we’re not going there again are we?”

Watch the clip below.

“I think it’s a legitimate question,” states the constituent, as Hare ignores him and talks to other citizens.

However, Hare is soon confronted again as another man asks him, “How come you’re a member of the Socialist Party?” Hare denies the charge, despite the fact that his name appears on a list of Democrats who are in the ranks of the Socialist Party of America, which was released by the Socialist Party itself last year.

Hare’s entourage then try to get in the face of the original questioner, before demanding he identify himself.

Hare continues to refuse to answer the question about the constitutionality of the health care bill, dismissing it as “silly stuff”.

Phil Hare has been constantly harassed and harangued by citizens for his support of Obamacare and other issues. Back in June, a clip was released showing Hare being confronted by residents who accuse him of being a draft-dodger. Hare embarrassingly attempts to joke with the people filming him, asking “which side is my best?” before being pulled away by a member of his entourage.

Watch the clip below.

Hare embarrassed himself during the aforementioned confrontation back in April when he was corrected after claiming that language concerning the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness appeared within the Constitution , when in fact it appears in the Declaration of Independence.

“Doesn’t matter to me,” Hare responded. “Either one.”

Hare was then quizzed “Where in the Constitution does it give you the authority…?”

“I don’t know.” Hare angrily interrupted, refusing to allow the constituent to even finish the question.

The attitude of Hare and his colleagues on Capitol Hill towards their constituents and their open disdain towards the Constitution is one of the primary reasons why Tea Party members are having so much success in ousting establishment candidates.

After October, Hare won’t have to worry about what’s contained in the Constitution, nor will he have to be concerned about reading bills that are thousands of pages in length, because he will be kicked out of office. Polls show Hare trailing his opponent by a healthy and growing margin as his snobbish and arrogant behavior comes back to bite him where it hurts.

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Original article can be found here.

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