Genetically Modified And Unlabeled

Genetically Modified And Unlabeled

Genetically Modified And Unlabeled

The Food and Drug Administration is set to approve the sale of genetically modified (GM) salmon to consumers and has said it has no plans to require the fish be specially labeled as genetically modified.

This is the same FDA that doesn’t allow growers and sellers of natural products to tout the health benefits of some of nature’s best foods — like fruits and nuts — because doing so would make them a “drug” not approved by the FDA.

The makers of GM salmon claim that special labeling would only confuse the consumer, writes Mike Adams of

“Extra labeling only confuses the consumer,” David Edwards, the director of animal biotechnology at the Biotechnology Industry Organization told Adams. “It differentiates products that aren’t different.”

But GM salmon is different from natural salmon. GM salmon has been genetically modified — hence the name — and has been shot full of growth hormones and other drugs to make it grow bigger and faster. It is so different, in fact, that the process has been patented, as Adams points out.

There is a growing body of evidence that the mass-produced foods we consume — made from animals that are pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and other foreign substances — is behind the increase in obesity, earlier onset of puberty, cancer, diabetes and other health problems Americans suffer from today.

If a company wants to produce GM food, and if people want to eat it, that’s fine. But we need truth in labeling so we can make it our own decision.

Unfortunately, it seems that once again we have government bureaucrats making choices for us. And they are choices not based on what’s best for the consumer but what is best for corporate America. This is not a trait of a free society.

Bob Livingston is an ultra-conservative American who has been writing a newsletter for 41 years. Bob has devoted much of his life to research and the quest for truth on a variety of subjects. Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and alternatives to drugs, as well as issues of privacy (both personal and financial), asset protection and the preservation of freedom.

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