Al-Qaeda Is A Front Group For The US Military-Industrial Complex

Revelation that terror mastermind met with Pentagon officials after 9/11 serves as reminder that every attack has been run by an operative with direct ties to US intelligence

Al Qaeda Is A Front Group For The US Military Industrial Complex 211010top3

Paul Joseph Watson

American-born Al-Qaeda terror leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, who met with Pentagon officials months after 9/11, is by no means the only patsy handler the Central Intelligence Agency has used over the years to oversee false flag attacks in America and around the world. In fact, just about every major terror attack has been run by an operative with direct ties to the US military-industrial complex.

As we reported this morning, Awlaki, the man who helped plot the aborted Christmas Day bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bombing attempt, and who also preached to the alleged September 11 hijackers, dined at the Pentagon just months after 9/11 documents obtained by Fox News show.

Awlaki is just the latest in a long list of Al-Qaeda double agents whose activity proves that the terror organization is little more than a front for the Pentagon and the US war machine. Let’s take a look at just a handful of dozens of examples of terror masterminds working for intelligence agencies.

Emad A. Salem

The feds used FBI informant Emad A. Salem to run the first World Trade Center bombing back in 1993.

Before the attack, the FBI planted informant Salem within a radical Arab group in New York led by Ramzi Yousef. Salem was ordered to encourage the group to carry out a bombing targeting the World Trade Center’s twin towers. Under the illusion that the project was a sting operation, Salem asked the FBI for harmless dummy explosives which he would use to assemble the bomb and then pass on to the group. At this point the FBI cut Salem out of the loop and provided the group with real explosives, leading to the attack on February 26 that killed six and injured over a thousand people. The FBI’s failure to prevent the bombing was reported on by the New York Times in October 1993, as well as CBS News in the clip below.

Haroon Rashid Aswat

The alleged mastermind of the 7/7 bombings in London, Haroon Rashid Aswat, was also revealed to be an intelligence asset, in this case working for British MI6.

In July 2005, terror expert John Loftus told Fox News, “…back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That’s when Al-Muhajiroun got started.”

Loftus said that British MI6 colluded to hide Aswat after the 7/7 bombings. Watch the clip below.

David Headley

The mastermind behind the Mumbai massacre was “an American secret agent who went rogue,” reported the London Times, referring to Washington-born David Headley, who was caught smuggling heroin but then given a job by the Drug Enforcement Agency and later went on to work for the CIA.

“The Indian media has raised the possibility that Mr Headley was being protected by his American handlers — a theory that experts say is credible,” reported the Times.

Headley was allowed to fly in and out of India as he scouted targets for the attack despite being “firmly on the radar of the US intelligence agencies.”

Prince Bandar “Bush”

Saudi Arabia’s former US envoy Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, known as “Bandar Bush” for his close relationship with former President George W. Bush and his father, is another terror mastermind on the payroll of the US military-industrial complex. Bandar worked closely with CIA Director George Tenet, when he was Saudi Ambassador in Washington.

Bandar disappeared two years ago after it emerged that he had become the de facto leader of “Al-Qaeda in Iraq,” having been responsible for arming terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The man who George W. Bush reportedly consulted before the 2003 invasion of Iraq has trained, funded and equipped terrorists to kill US troops, providing the US government with the perfect justification to remain as an occupying force in the country.

Bandar also threatened Britain with “another 7/7? and the loss of “British lives on British streets” if corruption investigations into Saudi arms deals were allowed to proceed. Prime Minister Tony Blair complied and quashed the inquiry.

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Terrorist mastermind Prince Bandar “Bush” with his close friend George H.W. Bush.

Osama Bin Laden

Bin Laden himself was a known CIA asset stretching from the late 1970’s when he was armed and funded by the CIA through the Pakistani ISI to lead the Muslim mujahideen against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

After this, Bin Laden led Al-Qaeda to Bosnia shortly after the outbreak of war in 1992 to fight against Bosnian Serbs who were subsequently the target of NATO air strikes.

Shortly before the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda moved into Kosovo, Serbia’s southern province, to aid the Kosovo Liberation Army, the Albanian terrorist faction that was being supported by the U.S. and NATO in its terror campaign against Serbs in the region.

“The United States, which had originally trained the Afghan Arabs during the war in Afghanistan, supported them in Bosnia and then in Kosovo,” reported the National Post.

With the help of Bin Laden’s terror network, backed up by the U.S. and NATO, no less than 90% of Serbians were “ethnically cleansed” and forced to leave the region, while the international media played its role dutifully in portraying the Albanians as the “victims” of Serbian aggression.

Barely weeks before 9/11, former members of Al-Qaeda who had subsequently joined the Kosovo Liberation Army were airlifted out of Macedonia by U.S. paratroopers.

As former FBi translator Sibel Edmonds revealed, the US maintained “intimate relations” with Bin Laden, “all the way until that day of September 11.”

The “war on terror” is a fraud

While Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, FBI head Mueller and others ceaselessly fearmonger about domestic terrorists being an imminent threat, the federal government has a reliable menagerie of pocket Muslim radicals on which to call upon to radicalize followers into launching an attack on ‘the great satan’ whenever the political climate deems it necessary.

The fact that just about every major terror attack or aborted terror scare for decades has been run by people with direct ties to US intelligence renders the entire war on terror a complete fraud, and once again underscores the truth that the real terrorists reside a lot closer to home than caves in Central Asia or the Middle East.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

Original article can be viewed here

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