When Americans Lose Everything, They Start To Lose It

Falling down: Gunman opens fire on school board over economic woes

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com

As Gerald Celente has often warned, when Americans lose everything, they will start to lose it, and nowhere was that more apparent than in the case of Clay Duke, the 56-year-old gunman who opened fire on school board members in protest against his wife being fired and his unemployment benefits running out.

Duke spray-painted a V for Vendetta sign on the wall before brandishing a gun and telling everyone apart from the school board members to leave the room. Watch what happened next in the video below.

The response to this tragic series of events from both the establishment left and the establishment right will undoubtedly be to try and portray Duke as a nutcase conspiracy theorist whose views are an example of why free speech on the Internet needs to be curtailed, despite the fact that both on his Facebook page and another website he recommended, Duke promoted websites from across the political spectrum, including Media Matters, who are usually the first to exploit tragic events like these to sling mud at their political adversaries.

The fact that no one was injured and that Duke ultimately claimed his own life has contributed to him becoming a martyr in the Michael Douglas Falling Down mould rather than being considered a deranged lunatic, and Facebook pages in his honor are already attracting members. Duke was stopped when shots from a security guard wounded him, before he took his own life. Despite the fact that it was a gun that stopped the rampage, Time Magazine and others are already blaming the tragedy on the Second Amendment.

When Americans Lose Everything, They Start To Lose It 151210ss
Duke linked to a number of different websites, including Media Matters.

In a de-facto online suicide note posted on Facebook, Duke railed against the financial terrorists that prompted him to take such a drastic course of action.

“I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats… same-same… rich… they take turns fleecing us… our few dollars… pyramiding the wealth for themselves,” he wrote. “The 95%… the us, in US of A, are the neo slaves of the Global South. Our Masters, the Wealthy, do, as they like to us…”




This goes far deeper than someone violently acting upon political grievances. Duke’s actions were solely guided by his economic woes, the fact that his wife had lost her job, that the unemployment benefits had run out, and that the future offered no hope whatsoever.

This is a future that millions more Americans will have to face in the coming years as the unemployment rate, which is really at around the 20 per cent level, continues to accelerate.

As we warned back in June, we are in the early stages of a new “age of rage,” which will be characterized by riots, revolutions and a widespread backlash against the economic holocaust that has been unleashed by the global elite.

Unfortunately there will be many more Clay Dukes over the coming years, there will be more Americans who lose everything and decide that the best way out is simply to lose it altogether.

Original article can be viewed here

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