Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires

Kurt Nimmo

On Wednesday night in Tucson, Arizona, Obama and the Democrats disrespected the dead and turned a memorial into a cheap and tawdry political rally for the re-election campaign of Barry Obama.

Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires onepixel
Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires thrive Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires onepixel

A few of the usual pundits and observers noticed the obvious attempt to gain political mileage out of the dead and wounded by the Obama machine.

“Never before in the annals of national moments of mourning have the words spoken been so wildly mismatched by the spirit in which they were received,” writes John Podhoretz. “There was something about the choice of place, a college arena with the appropriate name of the McKale Memorial Center, that made the event turn literally sophomoric.”

The Washington Post said it is not “offering a judgment on whether or not it was an appropriate tone for a memorial service, but rather that it made for at-times incongruous sounds and images on television.”

The New York Times skirted the truth when Michael Shear wrote: “Mr. Obama’s speech, delivered amid sorrow, offered a fresh glimpse of the candidate who used hope as the tool to inspire his [supporters].”

“This was more like an Arsenio Hall show than a memorial service,” Doug Lucas, writing for American Thinker, complains today. “Catcalls, standing ovations, whistling and the whoop, whoop, whoop of the crowd dominated the night. What should have been a somber occasion for reflection turned into another Obama pep rally. It was as if these students had their guy up on stage and by God they weren’t about to let a national tragedy get in the way of them having a good time and cheering on their messiah.”

From the moment a politically correct Indian invoked ancestral spirits it was obvious the event was designed to be a political rally for Obama.

The creepy zombie-like Obama supporters we endured during the election returned in force and completely overshadowed any solemnity intended for the dead.

Another indication Democrats planned to exploit the dead came when operatives placed “Together We Thrive: Tucson & America” t-shirts on seats in the lower sections of the arena prior to the arrival of participants.

On January 10, the University of Arizona announced that Team Obama had accepted an invitation to visit Tucson in response to the shooting on Saturday. “President Obama will speak at a memorial event at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12 to support and remember victims of the mass shooting in Tucson, and to lift the spirits of those who have been personally affected by this tragedy,” UANews reported.

It takes time to design and manufacture thousands of t-shirts, a fact that leads one to conclude that Obama’s handlers had planned to exploit the tragedy soon after it occurred last weekend.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama chief of staff, once averred “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Soon after the shooting, however, Emanuel was quick to declare his political maxim “is not not intended for this moment, it doesn’t apply to this moment.”

The reaction of the Barry Obama faithful last night indicates otherwise. The corporate media is now predictably praiseful of the scriptwriter eloquence of Obama’s teleprompter speech. But with a few notable exceptions they have ignored the obvious fact that Barry Obama operatives decided before the smoke cleared in Tucson to exploit the memorial for political gain.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Obama has kicked off his re-election campaign on the bodies of Jared Lee Loughner’s victims, including the body of a nine year old child.

Even with the stench and pallor of the dead, politics never seem to change in the district of criminals.

Original article can be viewed here

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