Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak As Protester Shot Dead In Egypt

Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak As Protester Shot Dead In Egypt

Authorities shut down Internet and text messaging as riots threaten to topple regime

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com

The Obama administration expressed its support for under fire Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak even as footage emerged of a protester being shot dead by Mubarak’s security forces in Cairo, as the government shut down the Internet, land lines and the mobile phone network in a desperate bid to cling on to power amidst widespread rioting.

“Vice President Joe Biden spoke to the PBS NewsHour tonight with the most direct US government comments yet about the gathering Egypt protests against President Hosni Mubarak’s 29-year reign,” reports The Christian Science Monitor.

Speaking to Jim Lehrer, Biden refused to call Mubarek a dictator, and went on to lend his support to a man who presides over $1.3 billion in U.S. military aid each year.

“Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things. And he’s been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interest in the region, the Middle East peace efforts; the actions Egypt has taken relative to normalizing relationship with – with Israel. … I would not refer to him as a dictator,” said Biden, who went on to imply that some of the protesters’ demands were illegitimate.

The demonstrations are firmly centered around spiraling fuel and food prices, rising unemployment, as well as police brutality and torture of political dissidents. These factors have culminated in protesters turning on Mubarek and his regime.

“Our government is a dictatorship. A total dictatorship,” said Mohamed Fahim, a 29-year-old glass factory worker, as he stood near the charred skeleton of a car.

“It’s our right to choose our government ourselves. We have been living 29 years, my whole life, without being able to choose a president.”

The rage only intensified after authorities moved to shut down Internet access, the mobile phone network and even land lines across large areas of the country, primarily in an attempt to restrict access to the Associated Press footage showing a protester being shot dead in the street, one of at least eight victims who have been killed since the uprising began. Mubarek’s regime is also desperate to stop activists from organizing via Facebook and Twitter.

As Tyler Durden writes, the ludicrous decision to stoke more anger and chaos by shutting down communications gives an insight into what might happen under similar conditions in America.

“Ironically this act of desperation in Egypt which seeks to prevent the ongoing televising of the revolution, would be precisely the match that would set off America on a certain path to revolution: not ongoing banker rape, not Primary Dealers stealing from babies, not Greek president G-Pap robbing your wallet… merely a shutdown of Facebook and Twitter (and possibly cable) and 300 million well-armed American will promptly go apeshit.”

Despite a myriad of justifiable reasons why Egyptians would want to stage a revolution, one wonders why it took them 29 years of Mubarek’s despotic reign to do so. Are we merely witnessing a natural domino effect from what happened in Tunisia, or are there darker forces at work? Namely, the same NGO’s and elitists that were behind previous color revolutions that were artificially contrived in order to make the target country a vassal state for the new world order?

If Egyptians are given the same “freedoms” that Americans enjoy – particularly the right to choose one of two puppet Presidents controlled by the same elite every four years – will its population be equally as angry when their country becomes the next Iraq – a conquered outpost for the new global government empire?

Egyptians are right to revolt against the tyranny they have been subjected to for almost three decades, but the most important aspect of the situation now becomes the aftermath. Should Mubarek be toppled and his regime swept away, will Egypt retain its sovereignty under a popularly elected government that serves the people, or will the country simply be picked off by encircling geopolitical vultures and turned into another frontier, another giant US/NATO military base and another stepping stone towards the invasion of Iran?

Original article can be viewed here

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