America’s “Arab Deception”

America’s “Arab Deception”

And the greater war against free humanity

Tony Cartalucci
Friday, May 20, 2011



Bangkok, Thailand May 20, 2011 – As Adolf Hitler noted, “all propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” Certainly the writers handing US President Barack Obama his “Middle East speech” had a particularly ignorant audience in mind. Holding to the narrative that the “Arab Spring” uprising were spontaneous Obama would parrot, “It is not America that put people into the streets of Tunis and Cairo — it was the people themselves who launched these movements, and must determine their outcome.”

However, the “Arab Spring” was entirely engineered, prepared for, activists trained, funded, and equipped by the United States, years in advance, based on successes and experience garnered from decades of extraterritorial meddling. In particular, a coalition between the US State Department, NGOs, corporations, and organizations entirely contrived for the sole purpose of fomenting unrest in foreign nations, began as early as 2008 preparing for what is now unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa.

Beyond a mere conspiracy theory, the New York Times itself conceded in an article titled, “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” that “a number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington…” Also implicated in the New York Times report was the National Endowment for Democracy, which provided these organizations the bulk of their funding.

Egypt & Tunisia

The Egyptian April 6 Movement was in New York City as early as 2008 receiving training and an opportunity to “network” at the US State Department sponsored Alliance for Youth Movements (AYM) summit. In 2009, the April 6 Movement then attended training at the US-created CANVAS organization in Serbia before returning to Egypt to partake in the year-long run up to the revolution led by International Crisis Group trustee Mohamed ElBaradei and his “National Front for Change.” In fact, April 6 Movement members attempted to welcome ElBaradei when he first returned to Egypt back in February, 2010, almost a full year before the “Arab Spring” would begin.

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Alliance for Youth Movements boasts major corporate support, as well as a partnership with the US State Department. The organization was contrived solely to foment unrest throughout target nations.


Thus President Obama is an absolute, degenerate liar, intentionally misleading the American people and the world abroad about what is unfolding throughout the Arab world. The level of duplicity is unprecedented as is the scale of the ambition of the corporate-financier interests driving this plot throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and outward toward Beijing and Moscow. Not only was Egypt’s unrest meticulously engineered and executed by the US, but so was the unrest in Tunisia, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya.

In an April 2011 AFP report, Michael Posner, the assistant US Secretary of State for Human Rights and Labor, stated that the “US government has budgeted $50 million in the last two years to develop new technologies to help activists protect themselves from arrest and prosecution by authoritarian governments.” The report went on to explain that the US “organized training sessions for 5,000 activists in different parts of the world. A session held in the Middle East about six weeks ago gathered activists from Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who returned to their countries with the aim of training their colleagues there.” Posner would add, “They went back and there’s a ripple effect.” The ripple effect Posner is talking about is of course the unrest Obama claims was launched by “the people themselves.”


Perhaps the most absurd proposition of all is the attempt to portray the events in Libya as a spontaneous people’s revolution. In fact, for 30 years the US, UK, and the US-created Al-Qaeda, supported armed militants in Libya’s east in their bid to overthrow Qaddafi. Hopefully the following time-line will lay to rest the official narrative as the profane lie that it is.

1980?s: US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya.
1990?s: Noman Benotman and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) wage a campaign of terror against Qaddafi with Osama Bin Laden’s assistance.
1994: LIFG kills 2 German anti-terrorism agents. Qaddafi seeks arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden in connection to the attack but is blocked by MI6 who was concurrently aiding the LIFG.
2003: Upon Qaddafi’s abandonment of WMD programs, Libya’s collaboration with MI6 & the CIA to identify and expose the LIFG networks begins, giving Western intelligence a windfall of information regarding the group. Ironically this information would give Western nations an entire army to rebuild and turn against Qaddafi in 2011.
2005: NFSL’s Ibrahim Sahad founds the National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in London England.
2011: Early February, the London based NCLO calls for a Libyan “Day of Rage,” beginning the “February 17th revolution.”
2011: Late February, NFSL/NCLO’s Ibrahim Sahad is leading opposition rhetoric, literally in front of the White House in Washington D.C. Calls for no-fly zone in reaction to unsubstantiated accusations Qaddafi is strafing “unarmed protesters” with warplanes.
2011: Late February, Senators Lieberman and McCain and UK PM David Cameron call for providing air cover for Libyan rebels as well as providing them additional arms.
2011: Early March; it is revealed UK SAS special forces are already operating inside Libya
2011: Mid-March; UN adopts no-fly zone over Libya, including air strikes. Immediately, the mission is changed from “protecting civilians” to “ousting Qaddafi.” Egypt violates the arms embargo of UN r.1973 with Washington’s full knowledge by supplying Libyan rebels with weapons, while Al Qaeda’s ties to the rebels are admitted by everyone including the rebels themselves.
2011: Late April; Documented evidence is revealed that Libya’s rebels are conducting a barbaric campaign, employing extrajudicial killings, indiscriminate military force, child-soldiers, landmines, and torture. New York Times blames a lack of support.
2011: Late April, early May; Followed by calls to assassinate Qaddafi, ordnance crash into his son’s home killing him and 3 of Qaddafi’s grandchildren. NATO concurrently seeks a new UN resolution authorizing ground troops while aggressor states seek to release seized Libyan assets to the rebels.

With the US-educated Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally, interim prime minister of the contrived rebel “Libyan Transitional National Council,” standing before the Brookings Institution for a May 12, 2011 talk saying “what’s taking place is a natural product of the globalizational process that started in the mid-80?s,” any lingering doubts as to who these rebels are fighting for and what their final goal is, is laid to rest.

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Mahmoud Elwarfally, the rebel “prime minister” speaks before the Brookings Institution declaring the Libyan rebellion was a natural product of “the globalizational process.”


Elwarfally would go on to talk about a “new global cultural paradigm,” and “new global values,” common values, shared by many “young people.” These young people, he says, are calling for human dignity, democracy, and inclusion at all levels of national government, repeating verbatim statements coming from geopolitical meddler Zbigniew Brzezinski and the myriad of US-funded NGOs that promote these “new global values.” Elwarfally would go on to reveal that Libya’s future is to serve as a “a lake” to develop the skills of Africans to serve the needs of the European Union.

Again we see a globalist trained stooge, not “the people” determining the fate of a nation mired in carefully crafted chaos. Whatever the people on the ground think they are truly fighting for, it most likely diverges entirely from what Elwarfally articulated before his corporate-financier admirers amongst the Brookings Institution.


Syria has been slated for regime change since at least 1991. In 2002, under the Bush administration, Syria would be added to the growing “Axis of Evil.” It would be later revealed that this escalation was accompanied by covert funding for opposition groups inside of Syria.

In an April 2011 CNN article, State Department spokesman Mark Toner was quoted as saying, “We’re not working to undermine that [Syrian] government. What we are trying to do in Syria, through our civil society support, is to build the kind of democratic institutions, frankly, that we’re trying to do in countries around the globe. What’s different, I think, in this situation is that the Syrian government perceives this kind of assistance as a threat to its control over the Syrian people.”

Toner’s remarks came after the Washington Post released cables indicating the US has been funding Syrian opposition groups since at least 2005 under the Bush administration and was continued under Obama. Coupled with Posner’s remarks regarding the training of Syrian activists who were sent back to their homeland to confront their government, it is clear that it was not “the people themselves who launched these movements.” We will also see that it is most certainly not be “the people” who determine their outcome either.

Order Out of Chaos

Mark Toner’s comments regarding US support for “civil society” that is attempting to build “democratic institutions” around the globe is in fact quite telling when one understands that “civil society” and “democratic institutions” are euphemisms for imperial networks. Such euphemisms are similar to the guise of spreading “civilization” the Romans and the British used as they conquered and subjugated populations globally.

In the aftermath of US-funded unrest in Tunisia and Egypt, billions are being pledged to rebuild the nations via IMF and World Bank loans. Anticipating Hosni Mubarak’s departure from power, the US had already begun preparing an aid package to assist in “constitutional reform, democratic development and election organizing” before the embattled dictator even stepped down. It would be later revealed that Soros-funded NGOs were already cobbling together draft constitutions as part of this US-led effort to reorder Egypt.

After initially playing ignorant as to the nature of the unrest they themselves engineered, the US is now openly pledging billions to both Tunisia and Egypt via private investment companies as well as IMF and World Bank loans to “stabilize” their economies. Included in this “aid” is a “$2 billion facility to support private investments in the region.” In other words, economic liberalization is the goal, and as pointed out before, such “liberalization” is nothing more than imperialism, economic and military hegemony poorly redressed as something more palpable for the ignorant masses.

Perhaps the best example of what the globalists’ designs are for any given nation, is an article written by the Economist titled, “Let’s all go to the yard sale: If it all works out, Iraq will be a capitalist’s dream,” regarding the military conquest and economic despoiling of the Mesopotamian nation. In their article they gleefully enumerate an ideal scenario for foreign investors including:

1. 100% ownership of Iraqi assets.
2. Full repatriation of profits.
3. Equal legal standing with local firms.
4. Foreign banks allowed to operate or buy into local banks.
5. Income and corporate taxes capped at 15%.
6. Universal tariffs slashed to 5%.

Students of history may recognize these conditions as similar to the results of British treaties made under the duress of their notorious “gunboat diplomacy.” It is the elimination entirely of national and economic sovereignty, subjugating the inferior nation indefinitely to the imperialists who imposed such “liberalization” upon them. This is the ultimate goal, and while Libya’s stooges-in-waiting openly confess they will be integrating their newly despoiled nation into the globalist combine, in other regions, such as Egypt and Tunisia, the transition will be more subtle as we wait for details of the proposed “private investment” schemes to emerge.


The geopolitical reordering and the subtle economic subjugation of North Africa and the Middle East is but the first step in a campaign meant to seize dominion of the world. As did all the empires before it, the global elite intend to spread their “democracy” just as the Romans and the British spread their “civilized society.” While Obama speaks of self-determination, the cornerstone of true freedom, the facts prove definitively that events throughout this “Arab Spring” have been engineered, prodded, manipulated, and exploited years in advance, for the specific goal of expanding the global elite’s economic and military hegemony throughout the world.

The key to confounding this deception is to understand that degenerate liars like Obama are but paid actors upon the stage of public office, while corporations and bankers steer nations and regions through their think-tanks propelled forward with their ill-gotten wealth and their unwarranted influence. They use propaganda, such as the speech given by Obama regarding the current US-fueled conflagration in the Middle East to divide and distract us, mobilizing us in one of two predictable directions to either promote or oppose their agenda. This strategy of tension fails entirely when we see through it, see who is really behind it, and decide for ourselves to pursue our own agenda, locally, self-sufficiently, independently and within the confines of true freedom.

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Original article can be viewed here


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