EU Exploits Norway Massacre to Stifle Dissent

EU Exploits Norway Massacre to Stifle Dissent

European Union to launch “extremist” early warning system, despite the fact that EU treats legitimate criticism of its own institution as “extremism”

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Wasting little time in exploiting the freshly dead bodies of dozens of Norwegian teenagers to push its draconian agenda, the European Union has swiftly announced that it plans to set up an “early warning system” to combat “extremism,” the problem being that the EU treats legitimate criticism of its own corrupt institution as extremist.

“The European Commission is building a security system to issue early warnings on threats of extremism, xenophobia and other forms of radicalism, EC spokesman Michele Cercone said on Tuesday,” reports RIA Novosti.

EU officials also met on Monday in a bid to “curb sales of firearms” to law-abiding citizens, despite the fact that it was Norway’s policy on not allowing police instant access to firearms that contributed to the scale of last week’s attack.

Eurosceptisim is on the rise across the contintent, which is why the neo-liberal elite are busy implying that people who oppose being ruled by an unelected, unaccountable, Soviet-style buearacratic tyranny are in league with Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik.

As an example, the fact that Breivik e-mailed the True Finns party hours before him rampage has somehow been offered as proof that the conservative True Finns bear some of the responsibility for the massacre. This would be like blaming John Lennon and Paul McCartney for the Manson family murders.

In reality, the EU’s crass rush to exploit last week’s tragedy has little to do with stopping the next Breivik and a lot to do with stifling criticism of its own institution.

The EU habitually uses the “extremist” label to discredit legitimate political opposition to its agenda, particularly when it wants to silence those who speak out against the EU’s advocacy of mass immigration policies. In 2009, Dutch Freedom Party MP and prominent eurosceptic Geert Wilders was refused entry to Britain because his political opinions were deemed offensive under EU laws.

American talk radio host Michael Savage was banned from entering Britain under the same law in 2009 for making “extremist” comments that were never even specifically identified by the then Labour government. The ban was re-affirmed by the new Conservative-led government two months ago.

British MEP Nigel Farage was also reprimanded by EU Commission heads in 2009 simply for criticizing “important EU people”.

Indeed, under the 1999 ruling of the European Court Of Justice (case 274/99), it is illegal to criticize the EU, and the institution is on a mission to marginalize any national political parties that do not pander to the European federal superstate agenda, by smearing them as racist and xenophobic.

As the European Disunion blog notes, opposition to the expansion of a European federal superstate has been characterized as racism and xenophobia.

“It is a logical fallacy to suggest that all those who oppose Britain’s EU membership are ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobic.’ How many times do we have to say it – getting along with other nations and peoples does not equate to being ruled by them. Opposing the EU is, by definition, not racist – for the EU is not a race. It is a political institution. Being racist against the EU is like being racist against NATO or the Scottish National Party – impossible.”

Since EU leaders treat anyone who criticizes the EU itself as racists or extremists, and routinely act to silence their free speech, they should be the last people trusted to oversee an “early warning system” that serves to identify extremist threats.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

Original article can be viewed here





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