The Best President Money Can Buy

The Best President Money Can Buy

January 23, 2012 by Bob Livingston

If Americans continue to “settle” for the most electable candidate, they will have to continue settling for having a bankster’s hand in their pockets.

As the American housing bubble collapse and financial meltdown accelerated in the fall of 2008, the political ruling class and their bankster masters put together a plan to save themselves from the crisis they created. They decided to scare everyone silly by claiming the banksters were too important to “fail,” and to loot the middle class to refill their coffers.

Never mind that small businesses would fail by the hundreds of thousands. Never mind that millions of homeowners — caught up in euphoria over the artificial inflation of home values — would lose everything they owned, along with their jobs. Never mind that the retirement funds of millions of seniors would evaporate.

The banksters were guaranteed safe haven and political elites were more than willing to take the heat from the proletariat which, by a margin of 3-1, opposed using taxpayer money and/or Federal Reserve funny money to keep the banksters fat and happy. Sure, it cost a few of them their political seats. The rise of the Tea Party — in its original form, before it was assimilated by the Republican Party Borg collective — saw to that. But no worry, K Street had plenty of openings available for its former Congressional lapdogs.

Americans grumbled about the bailouts, stimulus, money printing, etc., and continue to do so to this day. Yet they willingly line up to support the banksters’ Presidential candidates and resign themselves — because the bankster-controlled media tell them it is so — to the fact that their choices are between bankster incumbent candidate Barack Obama and bankster challenger Mitt Romney. They never look behind the curtain.

The Greatest Government Cover-up Ever
The subprime mortgage market collapsed…financial institutions across the country failed… unemployment skyrocketed… and America was catapulted into the biggest financial crisis of all time.But what really happened? And why is our government distorting—and even deliberately covering up—the seriousness of the current financial situation? What are they trying to hide from you?To get the truth about the financial crisis—and discover the simple steps you need to take in order to survive it—click here now.


Goldman Sachs rules the world, so it owns the leading candidates from each party — as it did in the past election and the one before that. And much of what Goldman Sachs and the other “too big to fails” are spending can be considered money looted directly from the American middle class — especially now that we know the Fed passed another $16 trillion to money gangsters around the globe that no one knew about at the time.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs and other banksters operate above the law. It is now common knowledge that Goldman Sachs recommended to its investors that they invest in stocks related to the housing mortgage mania while at the same time Goldman Sachs and other banksters were shorting the market. Additionally, when State attorneys general tried to step in and prosecute various banksters and their related partners in crime, Federal agents intervened and halted prosecutions and civil court actions, as I noted in my book, Robbed Blind! Who’s Really to Blame for America’s Economic Crisis?

Romney has raised $32.2 million in campaign cash. His major contributors are the banksters Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse Group, Morgan Stanley, HIG Capital, Barclays, Bank of America, JP Morgan & Chase, USB AG, Wells Fargo, Blackstone Group, Citigroup, sundry Wall Street fat cats and his former firm, Bain & Co.

Obama reports having raised about $86.2 million in campaign cash. And while Goldman Sachs itself hasn’t given Obama as much as it has Romney, the “1 percent” hasn’t been shy about donating its cash to keep Obama on board. Securities and investment firms are No. 2 on Obama’s list of bundlers — right behind trial lawyers. In addition to Goldman Sachs, there’s the bankrupt MF Global (which can’t find investor’s money but did find enough to give Obama more than $900,000), Centerview Partners (who has Goldman Sachs’ Robert Rubin as counselor), UBS Americas and Barclays Capital. And as an aside, Jon Corzine, former Goldman Sachs CEO, bankrupted MF Global while CEO of that company, and he also bankrupted the State of New Jersey while Governor.

When another “financial crisis” comes along, who do you think is going to get the best seat at the bailout table?

You may remember that in 2008, as the campaign between Obama and Senator John McCain was at its zenith, McCain inexplicably suspended his campaigning to return to Washington to save the financial system. It was a gimmick that failed to produce any results except to make McCain look more ridiculous than he already did. It probably sank his campaign, but it pleased his masters.

When you realize his top contributors were Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan & Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wachovia, UBS AG, Credit Suisse Group, Bank of America and Lehman Brothers, you can see what I mean.

That fall, Obama also supported — and as Senator voted for — TARP and bailouts passed by Congress. Care to guess who’s listed among his top contributors from 2008? That’s right: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan & Chase, Citigroup, UBS AG and Morgan Stanley.

And who financed George W. Bush’s re-election campaign in 2004? If you guessed Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, UBS AG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, MBNA Corp., Credit Suisse Group, Citigroup, Bear Stearns, Wachovia and Bank of America, give yourself a prize. And remember: Bush’s Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, formerly of Goldman Sachs, devised the plan to loot taxpayers to save his buddies’ fortunes.

Bush’s 2004 opponent, Senator John Kerry, was likewise owned by Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, UBS AG, JP Morgan & Chase and Morgan Stanley.

In addition to controlling America’s political system, banksters, particularly Goldman Sachs, control the European political system as well. Former Goldman Sachs executive Mario Monti is now prime minister of Italy and former Goldman Sachs executive Mario Draghi is president of the European Central Bank. Other former Goldman Sachs alums of prominence are new Greek Prime Minister Lucas Pademos, and Petros Christodoulos, chairman of Greek’s Public Debt Management Agency.

And Marc Faber points out in his Dec. 31 Gloom, Boom & Doom Report that two other Goldman Sachs alums have figured large in the European debt crisis: Otmar Issing, a one-time chief economist for the European Central Bank; and Peter Sutherland, who played a behind-the-scenes role in the Irish bailout.

It seems that the destruction of the middle class follows in the wake of Goldman Sachs’ influence on the political system. And here we have Americans once again seemingly facing a choice of one Goldman Sachs/bankster puppet or another in front-runner and Republican establishment choice Romney or Obama.

If Americans continue to “settle” for the most electable candidate — and that’s most electable according to the propaganda spouted daily by the banksters’ media mouthpieces – they will have to continue settling for having a bankster’s hand in their pockets. That is, until the banksters collapse the system completely and we get a chance to start over.

Whenever I or anyone else points out that there is an elite cabal of banksters that control the world, we are branded conspiracy theorists and kooks. But anyone with half a brain who looks honestly at the world situation can see that the world’s political systems — and most especially that of the United States — are controlled by Goldman Sachs for the benefit of Goldman Sachs.

Working behind the scenes, banksters and a cabal of donors and bundlers write the legislation that benefits the 1 percent to the detriment of the middle class. That’s why — campaign rhetoric aside — policy never changes, regardless of which party is in charge.

The only changes are which group gets the best seat at the table and gets to decide which scraps get thrown to the proles (aka the American middle class). And that’s why both sides support liberty-stealing legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act, the Stop Online Piracy Act, the Protect IP Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and the USA Patriot Act.

A vote for either Romney or Obama is a vote for Goldman Sachs and the world’s elites. And a vote for faux conservatives Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum is a throwaway vote, as neither has a snowball’s chance of winning: Gingrich because of his serious character flaws (which he only temporarily put off answering for after his feigned indignation during Thursday’s debate), and Santorum because he has no national organization and no ability to raise money (he reported only a paltry $1.28 million total in his last filing, which hardly buys lunch for Romney or Obama and their entourages).

There is only one candidate who can break the stranglehold the banksters have on the U.S. political system, and it’s the only candidate who predicted the 2008 crash years ahead of time, the only candidate who is willing to challenge — and end — the Federal Reserve, and the only candidate not owned lock, stock and barrel by the banksters. His name is Ron Paul, and he’s the last chance we’ll have to save the Republic.

Original article can be viewed here


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