Colorado Democrats Driving Businesses Out of State

Colorado Democrats Driving Businesses Out of State


posted on byGiacomo




Evidently, Colorado Democrats aren’t concerned about their 7.6% unemployment rate with their newly proposed legislation.

On Friday, the Colorado State House of Representatives which is controlled by Democrats, used a voice vote to give an early approval House Bill 1224 that would drive out some of the state’s businesses.  The bill is designed to limit all ammunition magazines to 15 rounds or fewer.

If the bill is passed and become law in a state known for hunting and gun ownership, at least two companies said that they would relocate to states that are more gun friendly.

Magpul, who employs around 600 people, manufactures 30 round clips and other equipment for assault rifles.  Most of the high capacity clips are sold to military customers.  Although the bill provides an exemption for magazine manufacturing companies and their employees, Doug Smith, COO for Magpul said the company will leave Colorado if the bill is passed and made law:

“If we’re able to stay in Colorado and manufacture a product, but law-abiding citizens of the state were unable to purchase the product, customers around the state and the nation would boycott us for remaining here.  Staying here would hurt our business.”

Alfred Manufacturing is a Denver based third generation company that employs around 120 people.  Their services include metal stamping, injection molding, precision machining, assembly and supply chain, and work vehicle solutions.  In an effort to stop the bill from being passed, Greg Alfred, the companies Chief Executive, sent a letter to the House which was read by the Republican leadership.  The letter reads in part:

“We are a third-generation Colorado company that has been committed to this state since my grandfather founded the company in 1948.  However, if House Bill 1224 passes, we will plain and simply have no choice but to relocate part or all of our operations to another state.”

The combine move of both companies would put hundreds of Coloradans out of work and the economy of the state would lose $100 million is sales or more ($85 million just from Magpul).  Two House Democrats were concerned over the news of Magpul’s decision to move if the bill passed.  State Rep. Daniel Kagan said:

“It needs to be clear that manufacturers will be able to still sell and transfer these high-capacity magazines to individuals in other states, the U.S. military and law enforcement.  We want them (Magpul) to stay here in Colorado. It would be sad to see them leave.”

State Rep. Joe Salazar echoed Kagan’s statement, but neither Democrat were prepared to vote against the bill in order to keep Magpul and Alfred Manufacturing from leaving the state.  Magpul’s Smith said that if the bill passes, they will leave the state.

Of the 65 seats in the Colorado House of Representatives, Democrats hold a majority with 37 seats.  They also hold 20 of the 35 seats in the state Senate.  To top it off, the governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper is also a Democrat.  Reportedly, he was meeting with Magpul on Thursday, but it does not appear that he has convinced the company to stay if the bill passes.

What makes this issue so ridiculous is that it is a proven fact that trying to outlaw high-capacity magazines will do absolutely nothing to reduce gun violence or mass shooting.  Everyone forgets the facts of Sandy Hook, where the only assault-style weapon at the scene was in the trunk of the shooter’s car and was not used in the school.  But, hey, truth and facts don’t matter to an administration that has a track record of lying and law breaking that puts Al Capone or organized crime to shame.

In the end, Colorado Democrats will pass this bill and the only result will be the loss of at least 2 businesses, hundreds of jobs and sales pushing $100 million, just to deprive law abiding citizens of some of the Second Amendment rights.

Original article can be viewed here
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