Gosnell Horrors Continue – He Kept Trophies Of His Murders

Gosnell Horrors Continue – He Kept Trophies Of His Murders



We’ve all been hearing and reading the horrible accounts of Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  Many of the stories of this prolific serial killer of the unborn were made public prior to his trial and some of them came out in the trial.  But one thing didn’t come out before or during the trial and that was the story of Gosnell’s trophies and the experience one of 16 year old girl.

In 2009, sixteen year old Desiree Hawkins lived with her mother Lani Long in West Virginia.  Desiree was a high school student who found herself pregnant and afraid of what her mom would say when she found out.  She met with the counselors at the school who then called in Desiree’s mom and told her about the pregnancy.  Her mom said she loved her, but that she didn’t make enough money to support a baby as she was barely able to make ends meet supporting the two of them.  She gave Desiree the choice of staying at home and getting rid of the baby or moving out on her own.

It was a difficult decision for both Desiree and her mom, but finally the decision was made to have an abortion.  Mom and daughter drove to Hagerstown, West Virginia to an abortion clinic there, but were told that Desiree was too far along for them to perform the abortion.  They gave her a flier with name and phone number of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia.

On December 4, 2009, Desiree and her mom drove to the clinic on 3801 Lancaster Street in Philadelphia to start the two day procedure.  In the video below, Desiree and her mom describe the ordeal they went through.

After the abortion, Desiree kept it a secret from everyone and never talked about it.  That is until she got a voice message from a lady in Philadelphia.  When Desiree called her back, the lady asked if she had an abortion in Philadelphia in 2009.  When Desiree admitted she had, the lady informed her that Gosnell had cut off the foot of her aborted baby and kept it in a jar.  The jar with her baby’s foot was one of many jars of specimens, or trophies if you like, that Gosnell had kept as mementos of his gruesome treatment of helpless humans.

The news was devastating to Desiree who called her mom, screaming of the horror.  Desiree was set to testify in Gosnell’s trial, but when he did not take the stand in his own defense, Desiree was not allowed to testify.  Her story was captured in a video documentary – 3801 Lancaster – that tells more of what happened in the House of Horrors.  From what we’ve seen and read the past couple of years, Gosnell’s clinic is not an isolated case.  Other abortion doctors are nearly as bad and dangerous as Gosnell.

“The picture itself is horrible…” Another Story from 3801 Lancaster from 3801Lancaster on Vimeo.

I’ve watched Desiree’s story and the documentary and truly believe that if these videos were shown on the floors of the Senate and House to every member of Congress that it would help put an end to the bloodiest episode of American history.

3801 Lancaster from 3801Lancaster on Vimeo.

Please pass it on to everyone you know and urge them to do the same.  Send the link the 3801 Lancaster to your congressman/woman, senator, governor and every politician you know.  Insist they watch it and act to stop the murdering of innocent lives.

Original article can be viewed here
[amazon_link id=”B00BOZQ54K” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Doctored: The Film the AMA Does Not Want You to See[/amazon_link]
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