President’s Day – A National Day of Mourning

President’s Day – A National Day of Mourning

February 18, 2012 by Vince Iori

Noted by some, ignored by most and misunderstood by many.

Today marks the “holiday” we know as Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s commemoration or Presidents Day — give or take an apostrophe.

Originally intended to honor the nation’s first president, the day has dissolved into confusion as sales eclipse ceremony, states lump in local heroes and pundits seek to generate idol worship to advance their agendas.

The sad reality is that most presidents in this country’s history are simply not worth commemorating period!  In fact once we get past the first seven presidents there is far more to condemn than commemorate.

Without reviewing every detail respecting every past president’s tenure, as space doesn’t permit, let’s look at some of the more noteworthy, both the good and the bad, presidents who have occupied the White House:


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The First Seven Presidents

As I mentioned above, the first seven presidents (George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson) constitute America’s greatest presidents period!  These men authored such great documents as The Declaration of Independence, Constitution for the United States or contributed immensely to the very thought, spirit and basis of what America would become.  All but one fought in the Revolutionary War and some even suffered or saw others suffer.  These men, in addition to literally risking their lives to win the independence of this country and establish republican government, demonstrated themselves to be men of courage, honor and integrity.  Try finding those attributes today.

From Washington, who served as America’s first and possibly greatest president to Andrew Jackson who fought to keep international bankers from retaking control over America, these men, unlike most who came after them’ honored their oaths of office.

Washington could have held on to the presidency for life.  Some even wanted him to become a quasi king.  Yet Washington would have none of it.  He kept his word to serve two terms and move on with his life.  His farewell speech is absolute must reading and applies as much today as it did back then.

Jackson took a stand against international bankers who were previously kicked out of this country during the Revolutionary War and who, I might add, are personally responsible for the current artificially contrived collapse and depression in America.  His courageous stand against these dark forces of evil kept America from becoming enslaved earlier on.

The case is clear then:  Given the immense contributions, sacrifices and integrity of America’s first seven presidents, it can indeed be said that they constitute the best that America has produced in its presidents and if anyone deserves to be commemorated – it is they!


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The Dictatorship of Abraham Lincoln

Contrary to the “honest” Abe mythology, the presidency of Abraham Lincoln was an absolute disaster to American rights.  It was during his dictatorship that Lincoln waged a flat out revolution against the very things won during the Revolutionary War.  His suspension of habeas corpus, imprisonment of newspaper editors, “reconstruction” acts against the illegally occupied South, and the first income tax were all contrary to what America’s founders fought for.  Fortunately, all were promptly and correctly declared unConstitutional by the courts.

Lincoln waged a brutal war against the South which had exercised its right to succeed from his corrupt “union” at bayonet point.  Had Lincoln not attempted to impose his discriminatory tariff intended to bankrupt the South’s economy then the South would likely not had been forced to succeed in order to protect its own interest.  The War of Yankee aggression, contrary to myth, had NOTHING to do with slavery which was already a diminishing institution in the South and still practiced in the North.  Lincoln didn’t even deliver his Emancipation Proclamation until the war was well under way.

Contrary to supposedly “freeing” the slaves, Lincoln set the stage for future equal opportunity slavery (i.e. sweat shops, child factory labor, let’s bring in non English speaking foreigners to bust the union, federal income tax, etc).  Contrary to “freeing” the slaves, Lincoln’s 14th Amendment did nothing but create a new class of subjects, “US citizens” whom Congress could bestow privileges upon (i.e. Civil “Rights”).  The correct approach would have been to declare the recently freed slaves to be members of the original class of Citizens known as “We the People”.  This Amendment has had the effect of tricking Americans into giving up their birth right Citizenship as State Citizens possessing inalienable rights for US (federal) subject hood with civil rights privileges which can be revoked at any time.  Likewise, the 14th Amendment elevated corporations to the supposed same legal status of people with disastrous consequences.

It was Lincoln who pioneered the un-American notion that the feds can do “anything” they want regardless of what the Constitution states.  It was Lincoln who initiated the cult of president worship, a cult that adversely affects America to this very day.

By no means should this man be commemorated but condemned along with his picture being publicly burned.


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1900 and On

The caliber of presidents since the year 1900 has been just as disastrous overall as the Lincoln regime.  The flat out disregard of the Constitution during this time has transformed the former American Republic into the current quasi dictatorship it has since become.

Woodrow Wilson

Sold out his country by signing the Federal Reserve Act.  This act transferred to private banks the power to print currency not backed by gold or silver as required by the Constitution.  This act in itself, while sold to the public to forever end all economic boom and bust cycles, is directly responsible for every economic downturn in America since 1914 including the stock market crash of the 1920s, great depression, every recession since and the current 2nd depression.  In fact, the value of the dollar is about 1 penny compared to its buying power in 1930!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Possibly the most despicable president ever.  As Moscow’s puppet, FDR imposed numerous un-Constitutional “enactments” which have had disastrous consequences (i.e. socialist insecurity, the biggest chain letter racquet in history)!  He also interfered in agriculture in violation of the Constitution and setup a commodity price fixing apparatus that has screwed the former family farmer as well as American consumers.  Many of his staff were subsequently convicted as Soviet agents.

According to declassified documents, FDR knew in advance and instigated Pearl Harbor costing the lives of thousands of American servicemen despite having already broken both the Japanese naval and diplomatic codes.  Left some twenty thousand American servicemen taken as POWs in German custody to be kept by the Soviets as forced laborers who have never been returned home to this day.  Helped set in motion the communist takeover of Eastern Europe after WWII.

Harry Truman

Aided FDR’s sellout of American servicemen above.  Sold out American servicemen during the Korean War.  Relieved General MacArthur when he began to actually win the war and responsible for the deliberate cover up of American servicemen listed as Missing in Action who were often shipped off to the Soviet Union.  Continued the sellout of Far East Asian countries to communist takeover begun by FDR.

Lyndon B Johnson

Mr. “Great Society’s” un-constitutional programs are directly at fault for America’s impending bankruptcy.  His enactment of Medicare (aka MediScare) resulted in artificially jacking up prices and insurance cost to the American people.  As  a former Congressman, he promoted legislation purporting to “require” churches to register as “non-profit” organizations which has result in churches becoming de facto ministries of propaganda for the government.  This, of course, in violation of the 1st Amendment.  He was also involved in the assassination of his predecessor, John F Kennedy and the subsequent cover up that persist to this day.

In 1967 he ordered the 6th fleet in the Mediterranean to recall planes that had been sent to the aid of the USS Liberty which was under attack by Israel in 1967.  The idea was to blame Egypt for the attack and lure America into the 1967 war in the middle east.  According to documents, he was quoted as saying of the Liberty, “I want that GD ship going to the bottom”.

Jimmy Carter

Shameful display of weakness with regards to foreign policy.  Established Department of un-Education despite no Constitutional authorization for federal involvement in education.  Presided over double digit unemployment, interest rates and inflation.

Ronald Reagan

Portrayed as a “conservative’ but was an ardent FDR supporter in the 1930s who never repudiated that faulty, un-American ideology.  He failed to keep his promise to abolish the Department of un-Education.  Ran up a huge deficit based economy (i.e. leave future generations holding the bag).

He expanded the “War on Drugs” , while hiding behind hysterical propaganda, which set the stage for today’s police state.  Enacted “laws” allowing seizure of property without a court order in violation of the 5th Amendment.  This has now been used to dog train Americans to accept seizures, instead of resist, and has been misapplied in numerous other areas.  It has further resulted in a mass prison population of persons who have done nothing inherently evil and massive police corruption in addition to increased militarization of police versus Citizens.

George HW Bush

The CIA lackey who may have played a role in the assassination of JFK criminally misused America’s resources and servicemen in his illegal war against Iraq.  His own ambassador to Iraq flat out told Saddam Hussein, the Bush crime family’s long time business partner, that the United States had no issue if Saddam used his military against Kuwait which was slant drilling under the border into Iraq and stealing their oil.

Bill (Hillary) Clinton

One can certainly speculate as to who really called the shots during the reign of this flagrant socialist who took payoffs from a Chinese army general that was never prosecuted.  Allowed ATF/FBI to murder over one hundred people in Waco, Texas then staged a cover up “investigation”.   Allowed the inside job bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City to take place then used the situation to push Patriot Act style legislation.  Since the Senate would not concur he settled for “law” requiring phone companies to pre wire new phones for wire tapping violating the 4th and 5th Amendments.

Also violated 2nd Amendment numerous times by signing several pieces of legislation (i.e. Brady Act, Assault Weapon Ban).  Moral infidelity and the unexplained habit of persons learning too much about Bill and Hillary to abruptly commit Arkanscide.  Presided over the creation of fictional currency (i.e. dot com boom) intended to set the stage for future depression.

 George W Bush

Taking care of daddy’s unfinished business by allowing the inside job attack of 9-11.  Operated a protection racquet for the real perpetrators, illegally attacked Iraq (where are the WMDs again?) and Afghanistan (Americans are guarding poppy fields over there).  Sabotaged several independent investigations of 9-11.  Directed no bid contracts to connected corporations at huge cost to public.  Signed the Patriot Act that violates numerous Constitutional protections.  Established Department of Homeland Security (even though feds have no police powers within the fifty states except for three specific crimes).  Ruined America’s reputation abroad for generations to come.  Bankrupted America with illegal wars and repeatedly lied to the American public.

Barack Obama

Although his first term in office has not yet been completed (let us hope there is not a 2nd term) this Goldman Sachs/Wall Street puppet’s track record is already clearly established.  As an ardent and obvious socialist he has promoted policies that are outright anti American.  His healthcare/death care legislation violates the Constitution.  His willful refusal to patrol America’s borders is downright criminal.  Bribes, threats and payoffs to “pass” legislation which Americans have made clear in huge numbers they don’t want have been ignored.  Has already spent more than every previous president in American history to date yet America is still heading into depression and civil unrest.


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In Conclusion

Given the above facts, I often wonder why anyone would embarrass themselves commemorating the presidency as most occupants of the Oval Office have shown themselves entirely unfit to begin with.  Once we look past the 1st seven presidents in this country’s history as we just saw, there is precious little to “commemorate”.  In fact, it can be argued that the majority of America’s presidents should simply be tried for treason and their enactments declared null and void.

Americans should pay very close attention to events in Egypt and elsewhere.  It is highly likely that such events will soon be happening right here in America in the near future as more and more Americans learn the truth about the mostly charlatans and puppets who have occupied the White House.  It truly is a national day of mourning.


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(c) Vincent J Iori 2012

About Vince Iori

Vince Iori is one of the latest personalities to go public in the ongoing struggle to retake America. Realizing that there is a real need for Truth, Integrity and Leadership in this country, Vince has responded to the call of duty to speak out via radio and online with truthful, no nonsense solutions to the problems America currently faces.  Understanding that America will NEVER be restored to its former greatness as long as the current Luciferian cabal of economic/political and socialist war criminals, who have willfully waged undeclared war against the American people (and the rest of the world), are permanently removed from power and prosecuted, Vince endeavors to educate and spiritually prepare the American people for the coming war ahead. . See Vince’s complete biography.

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