Vincent J Iori
Today, April 19th, marks the day after the real April Fool’s Day, after millions of you “Dear Taxpayer” suckers undoubtedly ran around like chickens with your heads cut off just like good, obedient political bitches we know most of you are to file your 1040 confession forms, perhaps it’s time to reflect as to what just happened to you.
In the process of appeasing your apparent Massa, you waived several important rights: 1) The right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure (i.e. 4th Amendment) and 2) The right to be free from self incrimination (i.e. 5th Amendment).
All this, mind you, for a tax that doesn’t even legally exist! Yes, you read that correctly, there is no law that makes the overwhelming majority of Americans liable for a “federal income tax” in the 1st place! How do I know this you ask? Simple, I made the effort to study the Internal Revenue Code (more formally known as Title 26, United States Code). Upon studying the code one finds NO code section defining the average American as a member of any class of persons whom Congress has purported to impose such a tax upon. Yet, upon reviewing the Index of the Code and examining other taxes (i.e. alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, operating a race track, sports book, casino, etc) one finds no difficulty being directed to specific Code Sections that are clearly worded to define what is being taxed, who is liable for the tax, etc.
Furthermore, upon examining the Code, one can’t even find the word “income” defined anywhere. What a curious omission for a government that wants you to think you must pay this tax but CAN’T produce a specific law requiring any such thing or defining the supposed “income” allegedly being “taxed”. To trick you the code uses terms such as “Taxable Income” defined as “Gross Income” minus lawful deductions. “Gross Income” in turn is defined in the code as “income from whatever source derived”. Yet, “Income” is not defined anywhere in the code!
So then if “Income” is nowhere defined in the code, then neither is “Gross Income” defined even though this is the number that you have been duped into copying from your W-2 forms to the 1040 Form at line 7. Ask yourselves America, is it not flat out stupid and embarrassing to go around signing your name on documents without even attempting to learn for yourself what these terms (i.e. “Income”, “Gross Income”) even mean just because “they say so”? If you have any honor whatsoever, how do you justify swearing under oath (“penalty of perjury”) to anything that you cannot even articulate for yourself?
Of course, if you ever bothered to read the 1040 Booklet over the years, you would have noticed how it states that compliance is “voluntary”. Voluntary means you don’t have to do something unless you want to. So why are you still volunteering “America”?
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Furthermore, most of you have made NO effort to look at how these funds are being misused? If you ever examined the endorsement on the back of your cancelled checks to the IRS, you would have noticed an endorsement along the line of “Pay any federal reserve bank. This is in payment of US debt obligations”. I doubt you ever have because you’re probably too busy with more “important” things (i.e. who’s getting eliminated from American Idol next, who has the highest QB rating in the NFL, etc). All things that at the end of the day simply don’t count for anything! A little fun is one thing, criminally neglecting your patriotic duty as “citizens” or should we say mere subjects, is entirely unacceptable! At least, that is, if you want to be a free people and stay that way.
Every dime you paid the IRS had NOTHING to do with “running” this country! Your extortion tribute did nothing but fund the Global Crime Syndicate responsible for the current economic collapse of America! What we call money in this country is flat out counterfeit. Not one of the Federal Reserve notes in your pocket or bank account is backed by anything (i.e. gold, silver). Nada, zilch! When the feds “borrow” money from the private corporation Federal Reserve (they’re NO MORE federal than Federal Express by the way), that “money” already has interest (“National Debt”) associated with it before it even gets circulated! This is why your country becomes more and more bankrupt with each passing day.
This is also the real reason for the alleged “Income Tax”. It serves the purpose of paying private bankers rent for the counterfeit “money” they have circulated and is intended to take enough of this faux “money” out of circulation in order to avoid hyperinflation. This is why it profits bankers to lend “money” even to folks who can’t pay it back. When “debtors” don’t pay back the fake “money” they supposedly “owe” then the bankers take real tangible property (i.e. houses, cars, etc). So it is a no lose proposition for these economic war criminals. When they want to steal from you without putting a gun to your head, they simply reduce the value of the already existing “money” (Inflation). You keep the same amount of “money” in your pocket. It simply buys less and less over time.
It should be no surprise that the so called “Income Tax Amendment” (16th Amendment) was “ratified” just after enactment of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913/1914. Despite plenty of evidence the “Amendment” was NOT properly ratified, no court has ever held a trial to determine this! It really doesn’t matter though because the Supreme Court held on at least six occasions from 1914 through about 1923 that the 16th “Amendment” gives Congress NO NEW POWERS OF TAXATION!!!! So, America let’s do some simple math here: If Congress did NOT have the power to enact such a monstrosity PRIOR to the 16th “Amendment” AND they DID NOT GET any such power as a result of the 16th “Amendment” THEN, are you ready, They DON’T HAVE ANY SUCH POWER NOW!!!!
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The entire thing is a farce. The “Income Tax”:
- Violates numerous Constitutional provisions (4th, 5th, 16th Amendments).
- No Internal Revenue code section specifically imposes any such a tax on the majority of Americans nor sufficiently defines the relevant terms such that one may file a Form 1040 without committing perjury! Thus, the code in effect is both null and void for vagueness and for seeking to induce Americans into committing criminal behavior by signing such a form.
- Violates numerous anti discrimination laws such as giving special privileges (write offs) based on age, marital status, number of dependents, etc. Whatever happened to “equal” rights?
- Violates numerous cardinal principles of being American such as operating a Gestapo snitch/terrorist organization. Such an entity has no business in a supposedly “free” country.
By now it should be obvious that one cannot have an Income tax AND a free country! It’s one or the other folks! A former Supreme Court judge once said, “The power to tax is the power to destroy”. Let’s look at some of the ways this system and the regime that operates it as well as yourselves for knowingly aiding and abetting it have destroyed America by:
- Robbing the majority of the American economy out of the necessary fuel (“money”) needed to have a consistently stable and prosperous system and the potential velocity that “money” could have otherwise generated. The feds currently steal a good half of America’s economy outright!
- Waging an undeclared War of Economic Genocide over the past 40 years against the former and soon to be former Middle Class.
- Creating a tax burden that is even more excessive than what Share Croppers in the Ole South paid to the Massa. Even more excessive than what Medieval Serfs paid to the “lord” of the manor! And you people think you live in a “free” country? What a sick joke!
- Paying off large multinational corporations to ship tens of millions of jobs overseas to 3rd world dictatorships and import the finished quasi slave labor products duty free into this country. You can read the labels yourselves if you don’t believe me next time you shop at your local Slave Mart store.
- Creating a criminally oppressive cost and regulatory structure to keep small and midsized business down or non-existent. The same businesses that contribute the majority of the total job base! Why does MacDonald’s get exempted from Obama’s Death Care (unconstitutional by the way) yet if you open a Ma and Pa burger joint across the street you “must” pay?
- Aiding and abetting the creation of large corporate monopolies and quasi monopolies to artificially jack up prices of many goods and services by conspiring to drive or keep prospective competitors out of the marketplace. Example: Ever wonder why medical care is expensive? Look no further than Medi-Scare and other unconstitutional interference by the feds which has resulted in a product that simply cost too much because it is designed to benefit the Pharmaceutical Mafia and Insurance Cartel NOT the American people! The problem was never “access” to healthcare. The problem is that prices are too high for most Americans.
- Criminally reduced America’s former “military” into Exxon Mobil’s publicly financed but quasi privately operated security force to attack other countries and use it as an excuse to jack up oil prices. Ever wonder how a country can spend trillions of “dollars” to supposedly “save” you from “terrorist” (the feds are the real terrorists per their own terrorism “laws”) and still NOT patrol its own borders? Now you know!
And on and on and on we could go. Had enough America? See how your status as a volunteer “Dear Taxpayer” has flat out taken down your once great country? Is this the path you want to continue on? Ever notice how the One Party Two Named, Two Faced Monopoly “Parties” never have any answers for this country? That’s because they’re both largely bought and paid for and have been for a long time!
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If America is to be saved we the people are going to have to begin taking matters into our own hands. Perhaps I’ll address specifics in a future article but in closing, we first must address who we are as a people. Those of you who are volunteer “Dear Taxpayer” suckers fell into this trap for the following reasons – Ignorance and/or Fear.
We need to look at what the “American” sheeple have allowed to happen while asleep at the wheel. Most of you let yourselves be reduced to the level of a weak, lazy, submissive, entitlement minded, covetous, glutinous, deceived, undisciplined, pathetic, excuse making populace that stands for nothing and thus falls for everything. This is exclusively a function of your current spiritual makeup. These traits come from one’s spirit and result from lack of belief and/or faith in God as the Author of Liberty.
Let me give you a hint: America’s Founders (most at least) did NOT possess such traits otherwise there would NEVER have been an America in the first place! What makes you think that you can get away with these attributes any longer? In fact, you should be on your knees right now thanking God that you still even have a prayer’s chance to set this country back on the correct path.
Until you are prepared America to admit what you have become and the fact that you, us, we have got to change NOW, you and this country are over with, period!
If you are one of the few who can admit the above and want to change, welcome to the family of true Americans (yes a few of us still exist). When you learn to look to God for answers and stop believing government lies, you will see the entire world around you in an entirely new light. You will have true inspiration to be the America that should be.
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(c) Vincent J Iori 2014
About Vince Iori
Vince Iori is one of the latest personalities to go public in the ongoing struggle to retake America. Realizing that there is a real need for Truth, Integrity and Leadership in this country, Vince has responded to the call of duty to speak out via radio and online with truthful, no nonsense solutions to the problems America currently faces. Understanding that America will NEVER be restored to its former greatness as long as the current Luciferian cabal of economic/political and socialist war criminals, who have willfully waged undeclared war against the American people (and the rest of the world), are permanently removed from power and prosecuted, Vince endeavors to educate and spiritually prepare the American people for the coming war ahead. . See Vince’s complete biography.
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