AUGUST 29, 2020
Join Jeff Deist and Dr. Patrick Newman for a preelection discussion of America 2020 and what is sure to be a very nasty election season.
Last time we met in Orlando, Bob Murphy mentioned how much worse our political and social divide would be if the economy crashed like 2008. Now we face this very problem—with COVID-19 lockdowns and George Floyd protests decimating the economy and social media exposing raw animosity along racial and “woke” lines. Congress and the Fed have gone into overdrive creating new stimulus and “liquidity,” but 40 million Americans are unemployed and major cities are still recovering from turmoil. The national debt tops $26 trillion while tax receipts at all levels of government plummet.
So what does it all mean for you, for freedom, and for the future of America—economic and otherwise? You won’t want to miss this freewheeling discussion!
We’ll meet in Orlando on Saturday, August 29, 2020 at Azalea Lodge within Mead Botanical Gardens, 1300 South Denning Drive, Winter Park. Registration is only $20, with coffee, tea, soft drinks, and pastries served. Afterward we will adjourn for a no-host lunch at a nearby restaurant. We’ll have books from Dr. Newman available for purchase, along with Mises Institute merchandise and free copies of Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson (our new edition!).
Directions: Enter through the black entrance gates of Mead Botanical Gardens and continue on the entry road to Azalea Lodge, the main building at the back of the property, with parking in front.
Preliminary Schedule
9:00 a.m. Registration, refreshments
9:30 – Noon Sessions and discussion
Continue the discussion at a no-host luncheon immediately following the seminar.
Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Greg Roe for making this event possible.
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