Tuesday, September 29, 2020 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) We’ve published a powerful new interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi of CorsiNation.com, a high-IQ analyst, historian and investigator who has written many books and reports about politics and the intelligence community.
In this latest Brighteon Conversations interview. Dr. Corsi explains the plans of the deep state and how communist-linked traitors put in place by Barack Obama are rolling out their last-ditch plan to overthrow the United States, remove President Trump from power and seize permanent control of the bureaucracy.
But the deep state will fail yet again, explains Dr. Corsi, just like they failed with Russiagate, with impeachment and with every lame effort they’ve conjured up to try to smear and destroy Donald J. Trump.
Even with Trump’s victory against the deep state traitors, America is in grave danger due to the sheer number of treasonous operatives who are secretly working to usher in Marxism or communism (China style), because they despise human freedom and free market systems of representative government. Democrats demand authoritarianism, with themselves gaining monopoly power and control over absolutely everything. Every person who votes “D” in the coming election is engaged in dangerous treachery against both this nation and fundamental human freedom.
Watch the full interview here:
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Read more from Dr. Jerome Corsi at CorsiNation.com
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Original article can be viewed here
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