Laura Ingraham: Globalists Already Planning to “Subvert Your Rights and Take Your Prosperity”

Laura Ingraham: Globalists Already Planning to “Subvert Your Rights and Take Your Prosperity” November 21st 2020

Image Credit:@IngrahamAngle/Twitter

Fox News host Laura Ingraham laid out in stark terms the future for America should Joe Biden actually get sworn in as president in January, warning that the Democrats and their globalist allies are already plotting how to take away American freedoms.

During her Friday monologue on “The Ingraham Angle”, Ingraham broke down how prominent globalist figures are already charting how to limit your Constitutional rights and wealth via the Great Reset.

“The globalists are determined to ram through their agenda,” she said. “And given Biden’s age and mental acuity – or lack thereof – they probably feel like they have a very narrow window, a very short window to achieve their grand designs.”

“If Biden gets into office, get ready for the fight of your life over the next years. At every turn, they will try to subvert your rights and take your prosperity.”

Ingraham went on to say that the globalists would achieve this through “insane climate policies”, reinforcing ties with China, and authoritarian COVID-19 measures.

“‘Everyone take the order and follow the instruction’ or else,” Ingraham said, quoting China’s Chief Epidemiologist. “Do what you’re told. Mask up, open your wallet, distance, get the vaccine certificate, give up your freedom, your autonomy, and do not under any circumstances ask any real questions — doesn’t that sound like a fun world to live in?”

“Well, this is the type of mentality that will guide the Biden administration’s COVID response. And of course, good ol’ Joe will bend over backwards to appease the World Health Organization.”

Ingraham reminded her audience that the Senate runoffs in Georgia in January are extremely important because that could fend off the globalist takeover.

“That’s why it’s imperative that we hold the Senate next year,” Ingraham said, “Because with a majority in that chamber, plus our gains in the House, we actually have a chance at thwarting this kind of takeover of the levers of power from our government to a government far, far away.”

Original article can be viewed here

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