by November 30th 2020, 1:15 pm

MD Governor Hogan (MD as in Maryland, not medical doctor) says there’s “no constitutional right” for Americans to NOT wear a mask.
Not only is the governor practicing medicine without a license in prescribing ineffective cloth masks, he’s also guilty of legal malpractice. This REPUBLICAN governor has managed in a single statement to show his utter contempt for both the Constitution’s Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.
There are several fundamental lies that politicians of BOTH parties tell you about the Constitution and your God-given human rights:
Everything is prohibited unless expressly permitted.
Rights come from government as “privileges”, not endowed by our Creator.
Bureaucrats regulatory pronouncements are law.
Government can prohibit or mandate anything if the “intention” is to keep us safe.
EVERYTHING PROHIBITED. This turns the 9th and 10th Amendments upside down and inside out. The Federal government only has the SPECIFIC, ENUMERATED powers granted to it by the Constitution — not broad general areas like “the General Welfare”. Therefore, everything is prohibited to the government unless expressly permitted and specifically enumerated.
CONSTITUTION DOES NOT GIVE US RIGHTS. Neither the Constitution nor government grant us rights. The American understanding of rights that undergirds the Constitution was laid out in the Declaration of Independence. The First Amendment’s protection of Free Speech is a PROHIBITION of government interfering with that God-given human right.
BUREAUCRAT RULES ARE NOT LAW. For several decades Congress has abdicated its legislative power (and duty) to make laws to bureaucrats writing rules. This “legislation without representation” has the power to deprive you of life, liberty, and property. They pretend that their rules aren’t laws to rob you of your presumption of innocence, your right to due process, and your protection against excessive punishment or fines. This legal prevarication has been the foundation of the UN War on Drugs and before that the enforcement powers of the IRS.
SAFETY OVER LIBERTY. The current COVID lockdown and mandates are the culmination of decades of nanny state dictates that destroy liberty in the name of safety. Gov Hogan even refers to what he thinks gives him a legal precedent for mandating masks — “seat belts and drunk driving prohibition”
As David Knight commented on the 11/25/20 show:
“You don’t have a constitutional right to drive drunk? You don’t have a constitutional right not to wear a seatbelt? Well, wait, wait a minute. What’s the difference between those two things? If you’re driving drunk, you are a threat to other people. you’re engaging in dangerous, reckless behavior. It’s kind of like using your second amendment rights and then recklessly waving a gun at people in a crowd, right? It’s like an assault.”
“That’s a very different thing than not wearing your seatbelt — YOUR seatbelt. If you don’t wear your seatbelt that affects nobody but you. That’s nobody’s business.”
But what about the legality of mask mandates? Can the federal government mandate masks or vaccines or ANY other health measure? Not without violating the 9th and 10th Amendment.
Remember the legal prevarication of SCOTUS John Roberts in approving Obamacare. The government could not make you purchase health insurance so he pretended it was a tax. Likewise, the 115 year old SCOTUS decision about vaccine mandates, Jacobson v Massachusetts, did not compel Jacobson to take the vaccine but compelled him to pay the fine.
To create a legal argument to compel mask usage, the government has stressed the hive mentality that “YOUR mask doesn’t protect YOU, it only protects others.” Ignoring the efficacy of cloth masks, the underlying assumption is that YOU are sick and others need to be protected from YOU. Therefore, the mask mandate is treating you as sick and contagious without the due process of a medical exam, in the same way that lockdown and travel restrictions are quarantine measures taken against all people without regard to their health condition. Due process is denied and the restrictions are prior restraint.
Gov Hogan (R) also wants to lead in the use of police force against those breaking the arbitrary orders he or “public health” bureaucrats issue.
“So he’s also put out “high visibility compliance units”, otherwise known as cops, to operate a 24-7 phone line and email address. He’s opening up the snitch lines. He’s going to have them prowling around for curfew. And this is a Maryland. Look at the crime in Baltimore. Delivery services are being hijacked left and right, this guy is hassling the middle class with facemasks — law abiding citizens trying to work trying to live their lives. He’s not about protecting people. If government were functioning properly, the Baltimore police and the Maryland government would be doing something about the crime in Baltimore, one of the worst crime areas in the country. Instead, they’re going to go around and harass people trying to live their lives. In the name of safety. Of course, we’re not going to do anything to stop the people that are doing the shootings and robberies. No, no, no, we wouldn’t care about that kind of safety.”
See the full report above.
Original article can be viewed here
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