Thursday, February 11, 2021 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) If America had a ‘mainstream media’ that was honest, free of political bias and still interested in keeping the people informed as was their founding mandate and the reason for a free press, then there is no way the Democrat deep state would have been able to steal enough votes to ensure a Joe Biden victory.
That’s because ‘the media’ would have exposed the Biden Crime Family’s deep, troublesome ties to the Chinese Communists, a regime hell-bent on replacing the U.S. as the globe’s dominant power (by whatever means necessary).
But our large corporate media didn’t do their jobs. In fact, they pointedly hid the Biden family’s ties to China; so, too, did social media, especially after the New York Post published damning stories revealing those ties that were discovered on a computer hard drive Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware.
And now that Biden’s handlers managed to steal his victory, they are stocking his administration with China sycophants whose ties to Beijing’s ChiComs and military are both alarming and threatening to our national security.
Harvard University’s Belfer Center – which counts participation from a host of current and former Joe Biden advisers – has repeatedly hosted conferences alongside the Chinese Communist Party, frequently publishing papers peddling CCP narratives, all while refusing to disclose its source of funding.
In fact, “the center has hosted cybersecurity working groups alongside Chinese Communist Party government and military officials, despite China’s repeated poaching and hacking of U.S. technology,” The National Pulse adds.
“The U.S. and China have a tremendous amount of power in cyber, and without appropriate dialogue there is a heightened chance for inadvertent conflict,” said Belfer Center Director Ash Carter during a joint conference with Chinese cyber experts in the summer of 2019.
“We need to stop talking past each other, have frank and constructive conversations, and start working on mutual interests. We’re uniquely placed at the Belfer Center to convene a diverse group of stakeholders on both sides to tackle one of the most difficult international issues today,” Eric Rosenbach, the center’s co-director said.
How quaint. How wonderfully ‘globalist.’ There’s just one problem, however: The Chinese don’t see it that way.
They don’t have the technology we have but this is how they get it — that is, when their military isn’t hacking our technology and military secrets.
Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of the key players. Carter, who runs the center, ought to know better; he was a defense secretary under President Obama, and no doubt with Biden in the Oval now, he’ll ‘be in touch.’ Eric Rosenbach, a fellow Obama administration national security alumnus, who also leads the China initiative. Also, Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, has served as a senior fellow at the Belfer Center.
“What’s more, Biden’s Director of National Security Avril Haines – who recently hesitated to call China a ‘competitor’, instead opting for ‘global competitor’ – appeared on the center’s ‘Office Hours’ podcast in October 2017,” The National Pulse reported.
There’s more. The outlet reports that Haines, Sullivan, and current Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken have signed a letter backed by the center that advocates for strengthening ties with Beijing to “develop” a COVID-19 vaccine while claiming that the U.S. can definitely depend on China for “protective gear and medicines needed to fight the virus.”
This, after Chinese officials early on threatened to withhold PPE, where most of it is made thanks to decades of loss in American manufacturing (mostly to China).
“In an article in Xinhua, the state-run media agency that’s largely considered the mouthpiece of the party, Beijing bragged about its handling of COVID-19, a virus that originated in the city of Wuhan and has spread quickly around the world, killing nearly 5,000 people and infecting thousands more,” Fox News reported in March 2020. “The article also claimed that China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into ‘the mighty sea of coronavirus.’”
Does that sound like a country that really wants to cooperate with us or dominate us? Biden’s handlers seem to think its the former when it really isn’t.
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