These blatant lies severely hobbled and essentially doomed the U.S. pandemic response from February 2020 onwards. That response continues today under the new administration, which is being advised by illogical, absurd, irrational, nonsensical, and simply inept and incompetent holdover advisors as well as new ones.
Fri Jul 23, 2021

By Paul Elias Alexander, PhD
Paul Elias Alexander, PhD, has expertise in the teaching of epidemiology (clinical epidemiology), evidence-based medicine, and research methodology. He is a former professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine; former COVID pandemic advisor to WHO-PAHO in Washington, D.C. (2020); and a former senior advisor on COVID pandemic policy at the U.S. government’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in Washington, D.C. He did graduate studies at the University of Oxford in England, the University of Toronto in Canada, McMaster University in Canada, and York University in Canada. He is currently an independent academic scientist and consultant.
July 23, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Below I will highlight the lies, misinformation, and efforts to deceive the American people (and the world) and the former president as to the response to the COVID “pandemic.”
These blatant lies severely hobbled and essentially doomed the U.S. pandemic response from February 2020 onwards. That response continues today under the new administration, which is being advised by illogical, absurd, irrational, nonsensical, and simply inept and incompetent holdover advisors as well as new ones. These so-called “experts” are politicized and seemingly corrupted and clearly inept, and spew utter nonsense and dangerous advice that harms the people. They are aided by a hysterical, corrupted media that seek to confuse and deceive the public at every turn. Something other than science was at play here and I suspect as time goes by, we will come to learn. I refer below to what I consider to be pure, flat-out, bald-faced lies that go beyond mistakes (note, this is my opinion):
1) This COVID-19 pandemic was never the “emergency” that governments and technocrats and the medical community and task forces told you it was. COVID-19 was not as severe as SARS-1 (2002-2003) or MERS (2012). It was not the bubonic plague, it was never what authorities made it out to be, and they have lied repeatedly to their populations. The infection fatality rate at most is 0.15% (at most 0.2%) and less than 0.05% when you look at ages 70 years old and below. CDC data showed that the risk of survival for persons 0-19 is 99.997%. Near 100%. Everything that our governments and the media told us and did were pure lies.
Only for the first three weeks at most in February and March 2020 did we need some pause or restriction to gain an understanding of pathogen. After that initial period, none of the lockdowns or school closures were needed. Yet we did this and the public suffered needlessly.
People died in the U.S. needlessly and children died due to these failed illogical specious lockdown policies put out by government “task forces.”
These “task forces,” including in the U.S., have lied to the people and driven damaging fear.
Economies were crushed, businesses were closed forever. We very early on understood the parameters yet governments and their irrational and inept “task forces” did not care. They enacted unscientific unsound polices that did nothing other than kill people through the lockdowns, not the virus. History will record that the pandemic response – what was done to populations by their governments – was the greatest public health disaster. The vaccines will match this and I will state openly: you should not take these vaccines. It is likely you are already immune. A vaccine was never needed for this virus.
This was akin to a bad flu season. It could have been dealt with via early therapeutics and proper securing of the elderly high-risk populations, combined with improved hand hygiene, vitamin D supplements, weight control, and allowing the low-risk “healthy” and well in the population to live largely normal lives taking reasonable safety precautions. There was no need to lock down society or close schools, ever.
Only the first two to three weeks was it defensible to “pause” to get a proper handle on the microbe, but we knew soon after the initial lockdowns who was at risk and how to manage. We knew there were drugs available to treat. This was all a lie that costed business owners, employees, and children their lives. People committed suicide due to the lockdowns. The collateral damage has been catastrophic.
No doubt, this virus is deadly to elderly with underlying risks as well as very obese persons, or some younger persons who are ill, etc. But this is a segment of the population and not the vast majority. The vast majority were never at risk from COVID as governments claimed they were – a pure lie. It is akin to the falsehood about coronavirus deaths in children: close examination of all the deaths in children found that in all of them, there was a serious underlying medical condition. Even Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins states that to date (July 2021), we are unable to be definitive as to whether these deaths were causal or incidental.
The RT-PCR test used to diagnose positive infections is not a suitable test; it is very flawed and inaccurate. Any cycle count (Ct) threshold (spin or amplification) above 20 to 24 is essentially detecting viral dust, fragments, old particles, non-culturable, non-viable, non-infectious virus. The CDC (and others) had set the CT at 40. This really means that over 90% of the “positives” are false positives in terms of being infectious. The viral load is basically zero, so little and of no consequence. This test is a pure disaster and a lie.
2) An “infection” is not a “case.” Saying we have 10,000 new “cases” is false. A case is when someone has actual symptoms and is sick. This manipulation of words is meant to deceive. You are being lied to. The media are hysterical on infections when it is actual hospitalizations, ICU patients, and deaths that are important.
3) This vaccine for COVID is not “safe and effective.” It has never been shown to be. One is prohibited from stating that these vaccines are “safe and effective” by the FDA’s very own regulations. The CDC, FDA, NIH, and health officials continue to make this statement when they cannot under law, but principally because the COVID vaccines are still “investigational” and experimental.
The FDA’s rules state that if a drug or vaccine is investigational, one is prohibited from stating that it is “safe and effective.” Why? It is still under investigation. It is that simple. You are being lied to. My view is today they must be withdrawn from the market and not one COVID vaccine should be given to children.
It is also important to understand that the vaccine has never been shown to reduced hospitalization or death, or ICU use, or moderate or severe COVID. Nor does it stop infection or transmission. It was only geared toward reducing “mild” COVID symptoms. The media, health experts, and doctors who state it reduces hospitalization and death lie openly.
4) It is a catastrophic lie and very dangerous to vaccinate COVID-recovered persons or persons with active infection. It is criminal to subject pregnant women to these safety untested vaccines. We never subject women who are pregnant to a biologically active agent. Never, ever!
5) The silence by the academic scientific community, the clinical medical doctors, the public health officials – all of them – is near criminal for the disaster of the pandemic response with the failed lockdowns, school closures, the mask mandates, etc. and now the seemingly harmful vaccines. This silence is devastating. It has damaged the public and costed lives. Yes, their silence killed people. Shame on all of them and a pox on all of them. I am hoping there is accountability at some point especially for the pushing of vaccines on children and pregnant. I want the academic scientific community accountable legally in some manner for the roles they have played in this fake emergency.
6) Asymptomatic spread was a blatant lie. I have examined the “asymptomatic” spread evidence and the premise is pure nonsense. It is junk. These are absurd statements often made by Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, “task forces,” and the “talking heads” – who inept and illogical medical “experts.”
We all know of the relationship between how much virus you have in the respiratory tract or lungs and the amount of symptoms you have. The more well you are, the less likely you are to infect someone. This is pure immunology 101 and virology 101. What is being imparted on people about “asymptomatic spread” is pure garbage. A healthy person does not infect; an asymptotic person does not spread. If you have little or no symptoms, you are not infectious. Yet this pure garbage “asymptomatic spread” was used to lock down our societies and cost so many lives. Even Fauci stated early on in 2020 that it is not a driver of pandemics and rare if at all. He is on record stating this. The World Health Organization is on record stating this. We have studies that show this. It is a flat lie that was used to close down the world!
7) The vaccine manufacturers were not required to study where the spike protein travels to in the body and for how long and how much of it and for how long it would be produced. The spike protein can be produced “forever” in you. This is a shocking understanding and is a devastating action by the vaccine.
We do not know where the spike proteins go and how long it lasts. We are seeing that the spike protein triggers blood clotting in humans. I plead with you: please do not take these vaccines. Never, ever allow your children to be vaccinated with this.
8) On the issue of re-current infection or of re-infection: I have examined the “re-current” or re-infection evidence and the premise is pure nonsense for the coronavirus. Bogus! This is a lie, a complete lie used to also lock-down and scare you to vaccinate.
Reinfection is rare, if at all. There is no definitive evidence that this occurs. All cases (which are a very few that have been published) can be counted on two hands and can be explained via a flaw in interpretation of the PCR test results. There is no evidence of re-current infection.
9) A protein called syncytin-1 is crucial for the formation of the placenta. There are emerging reports that there are antibodies due to the COVID vaccine against syncytin-1. It is a lie by the medical community to claim that there is no similarity between some sequences of the amino acids in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and syncytin-1. It is a lie to state that the risk is small when it has not been studied in the vaccine trial. How can the medical community dismiss this potential risk when it has not been studied? Last time I checked, pregnancy is nine months long and the vaccine developers studied the vaccines for a few months – not even the duration of a pregnancy. How can they even know that it is safe in pregnant women given they did not study this? Or safe for the developing child in utero? Did they stop to think of the baby, the life in the womb? How the vaccine would affect the fetus in utero? How it would affect the pregnant woman?
10) It is a lie to state that these vaccines confer better, stronger immunity than natural exposure immunity. These vaccines, with the narrow “spike-specific” immunity, cannot compare to the broad, comprehensive, durable, long-lasting protection that natural immunity can confer. Natural immunity is very strong and robust. It was a lie by WHO to try to suggest that only vaccine immunity contributed to population immunity, with no role for natural exposure immunity. This was an absurd effort by the WHO.
11) “Myocarditis is rare. Do not worry about it when teens get myocarditis or pericarditis.” This is a damaging lie by the CDC, NIH, and public health leaders. A pure lie when teens in the U.S. have emerged with myocarditis due to the COVID vaccines.
The seeds of heart failure are sown when there is myocarditis (as the heart does not recover fully and there is potential loss of the reserve); there is elevated risk that 20 years into the future, those who got myocarditis from the vaccines will suffer arrythmias, contractility issues, or heart failure and can potentially die. I am very concerned how the CDC and NIH and these experts are trying to discredit the severity of this due to the vaccines in our young persons.
12) It was a lie to state that we should not use a more “focused” age-risk stratified approach. We knew early on that COVID was amenable to risk stratification and your baseline risk was prognostic on your mortality. A focused, tailored approach was far more optimal than a broad “carte blanche,” one-size-fits-all approach that decimated the vast majority of the population.
13) It was a devastating lie by the FDA, CDC, and others to state that there were no therapeutic options for this pathogen and that there were no early drug treatments that could have saved lives.
We knew that the early treatments work. Doctors knew this even as they engaged in therapeutic nihilism and stood by silently. We knew we could save thousands of lives and have prevented hospitalization and death once treatment with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other anti-virals are started soon after infection during the viral replication phase of the illness. We knew we could prevent progression to the cytokine, ARDS/florid pneumonia, hyper-immune phase where gas exchange becomes problematic and breathing is a concern.
It was a pure lie to say that we had no available treatments. One can see today that the FDA issued emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines – an authorization based on the non-existence of any viable drug treatments. So, the FDA had to deny the existence of early safe, effective, and cheap therapeutics that would allow them to authorize the EUA (which I must remind readers means the vaccines are only “investigational” and not deemed safe and effective). This is the most treatable respiratory viral infection ever. Estimates are that 80 to 90% of the deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented, which means we could have saved 550,000 of the 630,000 who have died thus far. Denial of early drug treatment (anti-virals, corticosteroids, and anti-blood clotting drugs – see McCullough, Risch, Zelenko, Cory, etc.) costed thousands of lives. This can be considered to be criminal. People died needlessly.
14) It was a lie by the U.S. Task Force to imply in March/April 2020 that all persons were at equal risk of severe illness and/or death if infected with COVID-19. This one lie severely hobbled the response for the general public still believes this lie. It wasmeant to drive fear and compliance. This one lie helped doom the response. It gave the Task Force and other nonsensical and reckless medical experts the ammunition to craft and underpin the “asymptomatic spread” and mask use unscientific lies. It caused people to cower in fear needlessly and be subjected to needless restrictions that crushed lives.
15) It was a catastrophic lie and failure to leave our elderly as sitting ducks, like “killing fields” in nursing homes, long-term care, and assisted-living facilities with staff infecting them at will. It was the staff and remains the staff who infected our precious elderly and killed them. This was near criminal.
16) It was a lie by the U.S. Task Force and medical experts (including the nonsensical television medical experts) to allude to and suggest that lockdowns were effective, that masks were effective, that school closures were effective, that mask mandates were effective when all evidence clearly showed – and very early on – that all of these measures were complete failures. None of them reduce transmission or deaths. There is no nation, no setting, nowhere in the entire world where there is any evidence, after 16 months, that any lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, or any of the policy decisions by these “task forces” worked to reduce transmission or deaths. None! Not one! It was all a lie and a failure. I have examined all of the evidence on each of these lockdown and closure policies.
17) It was a lie and devastating move to quarantine and isolate asymptomatic persons as well as test asymptomatic persons. We never, ever quarantine or test asymptomatic persons who have no symptoms, especially not with a flawed PCR test whose inventor stated was not to be used. This was a catastrophic failure and had no scientific basis whatsoever.
“Task forces,” including in the U.S., made people suffer and caused deaths as businesses were closed and children were sent home for repeated prolonged periods needlessly. Economies were crushed needlessly. It was the lockdown polices of the U.S. Task Force and its members that guided the president. The then-president of the U.S. was severely misguided and misled by illogical, irrational, unscientific so-called “experts.” The nation paid dearly. This is still occurring with the new president.
18) It was a lie by the scientific community, medical community, and “task forces” to claim that we did not already have immunity to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID virus) due to cross-protection/cross-reactivity to prior coronaviruses. There are estimates that there was existing immunity as high as 80% to COVID-19.
19) It is a lie to state (as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and other medical experts do) that children need to be vaccinated so that population-level “herd” immunity can be attained. The United States was at or past herd immunity in late December 2020 and early January 2021 and certainly in many states, and way before any shots entered any arms and there were any possible effects. But importantly, when you consider cross-protection from prior coronaviruses and common cold coronaviruses, as well as the near 200 million Americans who had COVID and recovered (cleared the virus), then well over 75% of the population were immune. Dr. Fauci is mistaken and being untruthful when he claims that children must be vaccinated to arrive at herd immunity. These health officials are being duplicitous and using the very tame yet infectious “Delta variant” to scare parents into vaccinating their children. This is near criminal. CDC director Dr. Walensky blatantly lied recently when she reported on a rise in teen hospitalization in the U.S. by showing half of a graph and data deliberately omitting the peak and downside slope of the graph. Shame on her as the head of the CDC for deliberately deceiving the nation this way.
Children are at very low risk of acquiring the infection in the first place due to limited ACE 2 receptors in their nasal epithelia and upper respiratory tract and also cross-reactivity/cross-protection from prior coronaviruses. Children do not spread the virus to other children, do not spread it to adults, or take it home. This is stable, settled science globally. No question. Children do not get ill or die from COVID and thus they are not at risk from it. So why the interest in vaccinating them with a vaccine that has been untested for safety?
The safety profile is unknown and there is a reasonable expectation for harm for the following groups at all age ranges: COVID-19-recovered, suspected COVID-19-recovered, women of childbearing potential, children, persons with one or more chronic diseases. But we are focusing on children here, and children and young persons particularly have a near-statistically zero risk of severe illness or death from COVID. Spread usually comes from adult home clusters to children.
Children’s symptoms are usually non-existent and if there are, the virus is usually very mild and self-limiting. We lack the proper safety data to attest to the safety of these vaccines and with 80-odd years of life facing children, we ask again, why would we subject them to a vaccine with potential risk of serious harm, and a vaccine that confers no benefit? We simply do not know the long-term possible harms and as such, given the potential expectation, then we have to say a definitive “no.” Any reasonable risk-benefit analysis today will point to a potential for risk yet no benefit, and thus skew the risk-management decision to avoidance of the risk. Children must be fully exempted from these vaccines. It is criminal and unforgivable to subject children to these vaccines. There is no benefit, so why would you take the risk? Why subject your child to a potential clotting event in the brain? Or a bleeding event? Why?
It is a very serious step to take a drug – any drug – or vaccine, and parents must stop now and think this through carefully. I plead to you, do not believe anything the CDC, NIH, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and these absurd and reckless medical experts are telling you. Your children do not need these vaccines, save for a case-by-case basis if there is a high-risk child and you are given proper information to consent. You balance the benefits versus risks then and do the trade-off, but absolutely no mass vaccination of our children!
We also never, ever ask our children to protect adults. It is always the other way around. We do not need children to be vaccinated to arrive at population-level herd immunity, yet this falsehood is stated in the media and by public health leaders who know better. Between prior cross-protection/reactive immunity, immunity from persons who have recovered, and from those already vaccinated, we are already at or past herd immunity threshold. There is no need to include children.
Importantly, we have early treatment and prophylaxis (even suitable to children/young persons) that could be used in lieu of these potentially harmful vaccines especially for the groups outlined who should be exempted. Such treatments are optimal for high-risk persons, regardless of age. We must be willing to trust the immunity conferred by natural exposure rather than the sub-optimal narrow “spike-specific” vaccine immunity with its very limited immune library. Natural immunity can offer way better protection than the vaccine immunity in these vaccines and especially against the variants.
I close by saying how disappointed and dismayed I am – and I know many share this view – by the abhorrent, distasteful, and shameful behavior by doctors in the U.S. and elsewhere. They have stood by and have been silent.
Silent so that they will not lose their research grants and positions. Silent because they fear their university leadership. Silent because they are academically sloppy and lazy and refuse to do the work to read the science and are just not informed optimally. Silent because they are just hiding behind the pure garbage trickled down to them from their colleges and regulatory bodies. Silent because they are politicized and corrupted, and bring their biases to the table when they should have checked them at the door. Shame on them. Their silence costed thousands of lives. They know and knew that early drug treatment works via the use of anti-virals very early on in the disease sequelae. They know it. They use empiric treatment all the time to help their patients, but not for COVID.
Again, something other than science has been at play for COVID. Was it only “anti-Trump”? They know natural immunity is way better and robust than the “narrow” immunity conferred from this sub-optimally developed vaccine. These medical experts have tried to bend reality. They also know that the vaccine is showing troubling safety signals with near 10,000 deaths temporally linked to the vaccine in the U.S. as of July 12, 2021 (CDC VAERS database). It cannot be safe, if it was developed in months versus the decade typically needed. They know the vaccine does not prevent transmission or infection, or death or hospitalization. They know children in no way require this vaccine and they know it is potentially very dangerous for pregnant women. Shame on them. They are placing thousands in harm’s way by their silence. Their silence has garnered them a significant loss in credibility and I wonder if it can ever return.
Original article can be viewed here
Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of Vince Iori, Vince’s Blog, or Vince Iori Live.
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