Iori is one of the latest personalities to go public in the ongoing struggle to retake America.  Realizing that there is a real need for Truth, Integrity and Leadership in this country, Vince has responded to the call of duty to speak out with truthful, no nonsense solutions to the problems America currently faces.  Understanding that America will NEVER be restored to its former greatness as long as the current Luciferian cabal of economic/political and socialist war criminals, who have willfully waged undeclared war against the American people (and the rest of the world), are permanently removed from power and prosecuted, Vince endeavors to educate and spiritually prepare the American people for the coming war ahead.

As a dedicated and aggressive Constitutionalist for over 20 years, Vince Iori has been a consistent defender of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, property rights, gun rights and our nation’s borders. In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, he has passionately argued against foreign entanglements and wars for the sake of corporate and banking interests. He avoids the bogus political labels of “left and right” and instead focuses on what really matters — what’s right and wrong. With his ‘in your face’ style, he will consistently tell it as it is and is NOT afraid to step on anyone’s toes or slap anyone down to size —including those who are supposedly ‘too big’ to fall!

Vince was born in Chicago, Illinois and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.  He defected from the Illinois Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990.He has since lived, worked and carried out business in Las Vegas, Nevada; Dallas, Texas and Boise, Idaho.

Political Activism

Vince’s political activism began in the early 1980s when he discovered that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation NOT a government agency.  Furthermore, his discovery that the Income Tax violates numerous Constitutional provisions resulted in a major distrust of government that persists to this day.

During his college years, Vince had the opportunity to meet numerous individuals representing various political ideologies including far left and far right.  As a result, he became highly active in the Republican Party. After several years of involvement with the Illinois establishment, he became convinced that there was no real, substantive difference between the Republican Party and its alleged “opposition” Democratic Party.

In the early 1990s, after relocating to Nevada, Vince had the opportunity to be exposed to independent, Libertarian type thinking. Acquiring a new and profound appreciation of the original founding principles of America, he became convinced that today’s Amerika is NOT the America as originally envisioned by our Founders in 1776.

Since then, he has become progressively more dedicated to retaking America during our lifetimes.  Having witnessed numerous injustices willfully unaddressed by the current rigged system, he became convinced that the time has come to step outside of the box (i.e. the system).This belief was inspired by his belief in Jesus Christ who Himself thought, spoke and acted outside of “the box” during His Ministry on Earth.

Vince believes in Jesus Christ and the New Testament Church.He is convinced that the bulk of the “church” ceased to be the Church of Christ from the moment the early church fathers jumped into bed with the Roman Emperor, Constantine.The “church” in America is NO different.As the majority have registered as Section 501 c (3) entities (i.e. nonprofit entities), they are NOT Churches of God but rather de facto ministries of propaganda for the government.

It’s no wonder why the “churches” are NO WHERE to be found during this highly critical time in American history. It explains why over 20,000 preachers are part of the government’s “clergy response teams” setup to tell Americans to surrender their guns, take poison laced vaccinations, and allow government to separate their families.It explains why 60 million pre born children have been murdered in this country in the past 40 years but not a word to be heard in opposition.

Finding himself profoundly disturbed by the so called “church’s” refusal to engage itself in America’s future, unlike an earlier generation of Pastors before the American Revolution, Vince has chosen to speak out about this inexcusable failure as well.Vince believes that unless individual Americans get right with God and prepare and mature themselves spiritually, they have no prayer in the coming war.

With this objective in mind, Vince has pledged, to paraphrase the words of America’s Founders; his life, fortune and sacred honor.He would be honored if genuine liberty minded persons (of any background) would join him and/or support this cause.

Practice of Political Medicine

Vince is also a constitutionally certified Doctor of Politically Infectious Diseases.  With nearly thirty years’ experience in the diagnosis, isolation and treatment of numerous “isms” (liberalism, neo conservatism, socialism, etc.), he has posted a remarkable cure rate and has treated several cases of long term false political paradigm addictions.

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