Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America

Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America
Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America
calling for the arrest, prosecution and EXECUTION of all corporate leaders who collude with communist China to suppress human rights
Dehumanizing and Demonizing Skeptics Who Don’t Wear Face Masks
Democrat coup attempt
Hard money
The Technocratic Coup is Advancing Rapidly – Is this the America You Want?
COVID-19 Groupthink: The Politicalization Of Pandemic Hysteria
The Sordid History of Scam Science
JULY 13, 2020 By Elle Reynolds Max Alvarez left Fidel Castro’s Cuba alone as a 13-year-old in 1961. Now, he’s warning Americans not to give up on the freest country on earth. “What is happening in our backyard today, I experienced as an 11-year-old,” said Alvarez in a video that’s since accumulated 2.6 million views on Twitter. […]
by Jacob G. Hornberger July 10, 2020 An op-ed in yesterday’s New York Times by Democrat Tammy Ducksworth demonstrates that when it comes to “patriotism,” liberals are as morally blind as conservatives. Duckworth’s op-ed goes after conservative Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, who recently questioned Duckworth’s patriotism by suggesting that she didn’t love her country. Naturally, Duckworth, who lost her […]
While infection rate rises in new hotspots, death rate has not, doctor says By Charles Creitz | Fox News Watch the latest video at Former Stanford University Medical Center Chief of Neuroradiology Dr. Scott Atlas said Monday that there is too strong a focus on one aspect of coronavirus statistics at the present time, and not enough on another. Atlas, […]
The Lie Republican Establishment And Democrats Are Crafting to Defeat Trump and America
By IVAN ELAND July 5, 2016 The nation’s observed birthday—July 4th—always brings forth what passes for modern day “patriotism”: prominent displays of the flag everywhere, celebration of the military, picnics, backyard barbeques, and of course fireworks. There is even an occasional tribute to the nation’s “founders,” those men who supposedly signed the Declaration of Independence on that date, and […]
Saturday, July 04, 2020 by: S.D. Wells (Natural News) According to every Democrat in America, you should not step outside your house without your mask on, for safety and unity reasons, unless of course, you are protesting something anti-police or anti-Trump. That is the only time you are not susceptible to catching Covid-19, by the way. […]
Governments overplayed their hands with mandates that they are losing the ability to enforce. J.D. TUCCILLE | 7.3.2020 3:45 PM On June 19, the mayor of Cottonwood, Arizona, unilaterally ordered city residents to wear face masks in public places. A week later, my family went downtown to grab some lunch at a favorite barbecue joint. The proclamation might as […]
Several recent studies suggest that we are closer to “herd immunity” for Covid-19 than previously thought. Former CDC head Scott Gottleib said Covid would be gone by January because most people will have been exposed. Yet officials across the country are implementing policies that PREVENT this needed immunity! They are trying to keep healthy people […]
Kurt Nimmo Jun 27 Establishment Republicans are on the war path. They are determined, in unison with “woke” Democrats, to get rid of Donald Trump come November. In 2019, a number of these Republicans formed the so-called “Lincoln Project,” an organized effort to trash Trump and throw support behind Joe Biden, thus once again demonstrating […]
Posted on June 25, 2020 by DRGO [Ed: This is a slightly edited repost from our friend Roger Katz, Esq. at The Arbalest Quarrel group, attorneys who report and analyze Second Amendment issues. It was originally published there June 20 as Part 7 of a continuing series–“The Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court New York City Gun Transport Case Decision on the […]
By Elise EhrhardPublished June 23, 2020 at 1:43pm The past few months of the coronavirus pandemic have been a master class in how legacy media manipulate numbers to stoke fear. Case in point: Have you heard that on Sunday, the United States reported its lowest single-day death count in three months? You probably have not, but […]
BY TTAG CONTRIBUTOR | JUN 22, 2020 | By Nicolas Johnson If you ever call yourself a “law-abiding” gun owner, stop. It’s degrading. It insults the shooting community, and it hurts private gun ownership. Stop now and never use that phrase again. Mindset: We Do Not Abide “To abide” is “to bear patiently,” “to endure without yielding,” or […]