Lincoln Mythology is Born

Lincoln Mythology is Born

Lincoln Mythology is Born Commentary by Steve Scroggins March 4th, 2011 marks the 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration as President of the United States. Lincoln idolators and court ‘historians’ are certain to gush forth with fluff and flowery prose about how Lincoln “saved the Union” and “freed the slaves” when history shows that he […]

Abraham Lincoln, Political Tyrant

Abraham Lincoln, Political Tyrant

Chip Wood We’ve spent a lot of time recently bashing “the worst President who ever lived.” (That’s the description of the current occupant of the White House by many of my readers.) Instead, this week let’s do something different. Let’s turn our attention to the President whose birthday we celebrate tomorrow… the Great Emancipator, who […]

Glenn Beck’s Lincoln Contradictions

Thomas J. DiLorenzo I’ve been occasionally watching Glenn Beck on the Fox News Channel and think he has done an admirable job of smoking out and identifying the shockingly hardcore, radical socialists who dominate the Obama administration. He has also done a generally good job talking about the libertarian founding principles of America, how […]