Tax The Rich? 14 Facts You May Want To Consider

Tax The Rich? 14 Facts You May Want To Consider

By Michael Snyder – BLN Contributing Writer Class warfare in the United States is heating up again.  As the overall economic pie shrinks, the poor are being taught to go after the rich and the rich are being taught that the poor are a threat.  Lately, the calls to “tax the rich” have grown louder […]

How Can America Create Wealth If Our Industrial Base Is Destroyed?

How Can America Create Wealth If Our Industrial Base Is Destroyed?

50,000 Manufacturing Jobs Have Been Lost Every Month Since 2001   Source: Michael Snyder – BLN Contributing Writer Any economy that constantly consumes far more wealth than it produces is eventually going to be in for a very hard fall. Many point to relatively stable GDP numbers as evidence that the U.S. economy is doing […]