5 point margin of victory highly suspicious given pre-election polls showing Angle ahead, combined with reports of vote-flipping on machines controlled by Reid’s son and serviced by corrupt pro-Reid union Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet.com A serious investigation into potential vote fraud needs to be launched immediately in Nevada, after incumbent Harry […]
Vincent J Iori On Tuesday millions of “Americans” will head to the polls for rigged Election Day 2010. Being constantly inundated with lies and more lies from the propagandists of the supposedly opposing left and right, this election is shaping up to be a continuation of the status quo regardless of which part of the […]
Bob Livingston If actual election-day results confirm conventional wisdom and House — and maybe Senate — Democrat majorities are swept away like yesterday’s trash, Republicans will have every reason to be giddy. Constitutionalists, conservatives and Libertarians, however, should temper their enthusiasm. That’s because Republicans have not yet shown they understand what the original Tea Parties — that is those not co-opted […]