Obamacare Taxes & Individual Mandate About to be Ruled Unconstitutional?

Obamacare Taxes & Individual Mandate About to be Ruled Unconstitutional?

  Posted on April 17, 2014 by Dave Jolly On June 28, 2012 the United States Supreme Court stunned the nation by upholding the entire Obamacare package. Chief Justice John Roberts broke before the four – four tie by ruling that the penalty part of the insurance mandate was a tax.   Once Roberts ruled […]

Connecticut Gun Registration Eerily Similar To Post WW1 Germany

Connecticut Gun Registration Eerily Similar To Post WW1 Germany

  by Dave Jolly                               Second Amendment advocates, including myself have long compared our nation’s attempts to register and control firearms to Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, but few seem to know that it started before Hitler.  Hitler used what was […]

Obama and Democrats Support Non-Citizens over Citizens

Obama and Democrats Support Non-Citizens over Citizens

  November 30, 2013 by Gary DeMar If you listen long enough to the Democrats, you will hear a constant refrain from them that people who identify themselves as unofficial members of the Tea Party are part of a foreign invasion force intent on destroying America. My wife and I watched Olympus Has Fallen (2013) […]

Black Student Wants Government to Steal for Him

Black Student Wants Government to Steal for Him

  Posted on April 12, 2013 by Gary DeMar   Slave owners were making a profit from the forced labor of others. So it’s rather disturbing that we hear the following from a young black man at a historically black Howard University where Rand Paul gave a speech: “Good afternoon, Senator. My name is Keenan […]

Firearms Company Leaving Colorado Over Anti-Gun Laws As Promised

Firearms Company Leaving Colorado Over Anti-Gun Laws As Promised

  Posted on March 23, 2013 by Dave Jolly   In February, firearms company Magpul informed members of the Colorado state legislature that they would leave the state if the anti-gun laws being considered were passed and became law. Magpul is a relatively new company founded in 1999.  Today they employ 600 people and generate […]

Colorado Democrats Driving Businesses Out of State

Colorado Democrats Driving Businesses Out of State

  posted on February 18, 2013 byGiacomo     Evidently, Colorado Democrats aren’t concerned about their 7.6% unemployment rate with their newly proposed legislation. On Friday, the Colorado State House of Representatives which is controlled by Democrats, used a voice vote to give an early approval House Bill 1224 that would drive out some of […]

Karl Rove Leads Establishment Charge Against Tea Party

Karl Rove Leads Establishment Charge Against Tea Party

  posted on February 9, 2013 by Tad Cronn   The establishment GOP hates the Tea Party. Always has, probably always will. Since the beginning of the Tea Party, the GOP leadership has tried through bribery, infiltration, nullification and public humiliation to eliminate whatever influence the grass-roots movement has been able to muster.   The […]