Did CSPI Kill Millions By Recommending Trans Fats?
Trans Fats lies
Trans Fats lies
Several recent studies suggest that we are closer to “herd immunity” for Covid-19 than previously thought. Former CDC head Scott Gottleib said Covid would be gone by January because most people will have been exposed. Yet officials across the country are implementing policies that PREVENT this needed immunity! They are trying to keep healthy people […]
Paul Craig Roberts Infowars.com Sept 30, 2012 In my last column, “A Culture of Delusion,” I wrote that “Americans live in a matrix of lies. Lies dominate every policy discussion, every political decision.” This column will use two top news stories, Iranian nukes and Julian Assange, to illustrate how lies become “truth.” The western […]
by Jesse Ventura There’s the Freedom of Information Act, and then there’s Ventura’s way. The official spin on numerous government programs is flat-out bullshit, according to Jesse Ventura. In this incredible collection of actual government documents, Ventura, the ultimate non- partisan truth-seeker, proves it beyond any doubt. He and Dick Russell walk readers through 63 […]
By Silver Shield Hooray…Happy days are here again! That is exactly what the elite would have us believe with the 9.4% unemployment number in this huge CONfidence game otherwise known as the USEconomy. “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” -George Orwell We were having dinner at my in-law’s house […]