March Madness: Eminent Domain Abuse Goes Coast-to-Coast

March Madness: Eminent Domain Abuse Goes Coast-to-Coast

posted by Ilya Shapiro This is a big week for private property rights.  Two epic eminent domain struggles are playing out on opposite sides of the country. First, National City, California, is ground zero for eminent domain abuse.  City officials declared several hundred properties blighted even before conducting a blight study that was riddled with […]

Corporations Aren’t People But They Are (Legal) Persons

Corporations Aren’t People But They Are (Legal) Persons

Posted by Ilya Shapiro Recently, activist and filmmaker Annie Leonard released a video titled “The Story of Citizens United v. FEC,” an eight-and-a-half-minute criticism of last year’s Supreme Court case of the same name. Well, sort of. Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Lee Doren made his own video critique in response to Ms. Leonard’s offering, and points […]

Judge Vinson’s Greatest Hits

Judge Vinson’s Greatest Hits

Posted by Ilya Shapiro It’s hard to get too excited about a district court decision — this is one of several, and will be superseded by circuit and eventual Supreme Court decisions — but this decision in Florida v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services is remarkable.  Most notably, the 78-page ruling is well theorized and engaging (Vinson’s opus is […]