Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Obamacare

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Obamacare

Kurt Nimmo June 28, 2012 In a victory for the New Deal bastardization of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has ruled that the government can mandate at gunpoint that Americans buy monopolized health care insurance. “The Supreme Court upheld the health care law today in a splintered, complex opinion that appears to give President […]

US veterans face financial ruin waiting for benefits from overburdened VA

US veterans face financial ruin waiting for benefits from overburdened VA

  J. D. Heyes Natural News May 27, 2012   We depend on them to protect our country, our lives, our freedom, our way of life. So why does our government continue to shortchange our veterans by chronically underfunding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), especially at a time when our vets need the VA the […]

IRS Travel Ban: Revoking Citizenship By Stealth

IRS Travel Ban: Revoking Citizenship By Stealth

Provision that allows feds to suspend passports of accused tax delinquents expected to pass Congress Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Monday, April 16, 2012 Efforts to pass a bill that would allow the IRS to deny travel rights to U.S. citizens who the feds merely claim owe $50,000 or more in delinquent taxes […]

Like Obama, Bilderberg VP Favorite Marco Rubio Has a Question of Natural Born Citizenship

Like Obama, Bilderberg VP Favorite Marco Rubio Has a Question of Natural Born Citizenship

  Patrick Henningsen April 13, 2012       The Washington Post’s report yesterday that the supranational globalist steering organization Bilderberg Group will be picking imminent GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate, has set the media alight – fueled with speculation as to who that pick might be. It’s quite sureal to […]

Obama Impeachment 2012

Obama Impeachment 2012

  Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones Aprill 11, 2012       We can only win by launching Impeach Obama 2012. Whether or not we fully impeach him, we are committed to rebuking these unconstitutional and criminal power grabs and are determined to take the case to the court of public opinion. –Alex Jones […]

UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law

UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law

Eyewitnesses: Police stood back and allowed rioters to loot private businesses Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, August 9, 2011   Following numerous reports of failures on behalf of police to arrest looters or adequately respond to the riots in London that are now sweeping across the entire UK, curfews and troops on the streets are […]

Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole

Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole

UPDATE: Bilderberg 2011 Attendees List Leaked Kurt Nimmo June 8, 2011 Alex Jones and have received inside information regarding the Bilderberg agenda now unfolding in the idyllic Swiss countryside. According to AFP journalist and legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker’s inside sources, the agenda now under review includes a number of critical issues at […]

Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run

Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run

Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes March 31, 2011 In a special video address, Alex Jones terms the al Qaeda intelligence operation a ‘Swiss army knife’ for destabilization. Simply put, it is a tool to foment crisis that allows the globalists to offer up a solution in variable contexts. Today, ‘freelancers‘ in Libya; yesterday, terrorists […]

Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record

Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record

Kurt Nimmo Rep. Ron Paul read the text below into the Congressional Record earlier this year. Paul’s statement provides additional evidence to the established fact the globalist, bonesman, and former CIA director George Bush Senior duped Saddam Hussein, exploited his dispute with Kuwait – accusing Kuwait of slant drilling its oil – and gave […]

Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires

Kurt Nimmo On Wednesday night in Tucson, Arizona, Obama and the Democrats disrespected the dead and turned a memorial into a cheap and tawdry political rally for the re-election campaign of Barry Obama. A few of the usual pundits and observers noticed the obvious attempt to gain political mileage out of the dead and […]