East St. Louis police chief: Gun registration, punitive fees are ‘great idea’

East St. Louis police chief: Gun registration, punitive fees are ‘great idea’

Kurt Hofmann St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Early this month, we discussed Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to inflict a draconian new “gun control” law–not just in Chicago, but upon the entire state.  Since then, Emanuel’s handgun registration scheme has been introduced as HB 5831.  This bill would, among other atrocities, mandate registration of every […]

Arizona bill to establish border security militia draws CSGV’s fear and loathing

Arizona bill to establish border security militia draws CSGV’s fear and loathing

Kurt Hofmann, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner February 27, 2012   Arizona Senate Bill 1083, which would authorize and fund a volunteer “Special Missions Unit” state miliitia for emergencies and for patrolling the state’s border with Mexico, was passed by the state Senate Appropriations Committee earlier this month.  From the Arizona Republic: The Senate Appropriations […]

Are guns becoming less capable?

Are guns becoming less capable?

By Kurt Hofmann St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner       The only reason to have 33 bullets loaded in a handgun is to kill a lot of people very quickly. So says Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), in pushing his bill to send people to prison for 10 years for having an 11-round magazine (except […]

Second Amendment Foundation files lawsuit against Illinois self-defense ban

Second Amendment Foundation files lawsuit against Illinois self-defense ban

Kurt Hofmann St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner View all of Kurt’s articles     With the failure last week (for now, anyway) of Illinios HB 148, to permit defensive handgun carry, the anti-self-defense lobby indulged in some predictable gloating. From the Brady Campaign’s Paul Helmke: The Illinois House of Representatives yesterday rejected a bill, HB […]

Savagely beaten Illinois woman pleads for right to defend herself

Savagely beaten Illinois woman pleads for right to defend herself

Kurt Hofmann  Mary Shepard had the training to carry a firearm for her personal security, having already successfully completed five firearms training courses, including the NRA’s Personal Protection Outside the Home course.  She had qualified for defensive firearm carry permits in two different states, and those permits were, between them, recognized in 31 states.  Unfortunately, […]

The ‘gun problem’ is not in the Tea Party

Kurt Hoffmam Adam Winkler, who teaches Constitutional law at UCLA, claims in a Daily Beast article that Tea Party candidates’ support of gun rights is “radical.” A traditionally hot topic in election season, gun control has been conspicuously absent from the recent candidate debates. This would not be of note if the candidates themselves had […]