Natural News launches TOR browser (.onion) website to bring natural health and nutrition knowledge to the dark web

Natural News launches TOR browser (.onion) website to bring natural health and nutrition knowledge to the dark web

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) We have successfully launched our TOR browser website, also known as a .onion website, accessible only through the TOR browser which protects users from surveillance and censorship attempts by rogue governments. The TOR browser, available at, allows citizens around the world to bypass government censorship and visit websites that […]

Make your fake protest sign for July 4th so the Dopey Democrats can’t make attending fireworks gatherings ILLEGAL

Make your fake protest sign for July 4th so the Dopey Democrats can’t make attending fireworks gatherings ILLEGAL

Saturday, July 04, 2020 by: S.D. Wells (Natural News) According to every Democrat in America, you should not step outside your house without your mask on, for safety and unity reasons, unless of course, you are protesting something anti-police or anti-Trump. That is the only time you are not susceptible to catching Covid-19, by the way. […]

Right out of the Marxist playbook: Now they want to tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson

Right out of the Marxist playbook: Now they want to tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson

Monday, June 15, 2020 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The canceling of Christopher Columbus and Robert E. Lee is just not enough. The leftist mob now wants to also tear down the statues and memory of Thomas Jefferson and even George Washington, America’s first president, simply because these individuals were white and, according to the history books, owned […]

You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war

You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war

Thursday, December 19, 2019 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) After passing extremely restrictive anti-gun legislation in early 2020, Virginia has a plan to deploy roadblocks at both the county and state levels to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens (at gunpoint, of course) as part of a deliberate effort to spark a shooting war with citizens, […]

The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress

The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress

We’re operating in a topsy-turvy Sherwood Forest where you’ve got the government and its merry band of corporate thieves stealing from the poor to fatten the wallets of the rich.. by John W. Whitehead | Rutherford | July 26, 2014 “What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and […]

DOJ Seeks Dismissal of Case Challenging NDAA Indefinite Detention

DOJ Seeks Dismissal of Case Challenging NDAA Indefinite Detention

  Written by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D Days ago, the Obama administration demonstrated its dedication to the indefinite detention of Americans, as authorized by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by submitting a brief asking a federal judge to throw out a case challenging the constitutionality of that provision. Among other astonishing arguments made by […]

Murder Charge Dropped Against Man who Killed Cop in No-Knock Raid

Murder Charge Dropped Against Man who Killed Cop in No-Knock Raid

  Grand jury sides with self defense, Fourth Amendment Adan Salazar February 7, 2014 In an astonishing decision, a Texas grand jury refused to indict a Central Texas man Wednesday for shooting and killing an officer who entered his home serving a warrant unannounced, an outcome the man’s attorney says he’s never witnessed in […]

Top Kansas Officials Respond To Justice Department Threats On New Gun Protection Law

Top Kansas Officials Respond To Justice Department Threats On New Gun Protection Law

  May 3, 2013 by Sam Rolley Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback this week attacking legislation recently passed in the State that nullifies unConstitutional Federal gun laws. Kansas’s response, “Bring it on.” Brownback replied asserting that Kansans hold dear their right to bear arms and State sovereignty. And […]

White House demands military prisons for Americans under NDAA

White House demands military prisons for Americans under NDAA

The White House has asked the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to place an emergency stay on a ruling made last week by a federal judge so that the president’s power to indefinitely detain Americans without charge is reaffirmed immediately. On Wednesday, September 12, US District Court Judge Katherine Forrest made permanent a temporary […]

The Fear Of God Is Not In This Place

The Fear Of God Is Not In This Place

          By Chuck Baldwin July 19, 2012   What in the world has happened to America? How has it come to this? The America that we currently see is unrecognizable from the America many of us grew up in. The America that many oppressed people risked their lives to escape to […]

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

As Recently As 1946, American Citizens Were Forced To Take Up Arms As A Last Resort Against Corrupt Government Officials. Published in Guns & Ammo October 1995, pp. 50-51 On August 1-2, 1946, some Americans, brutalized by their county government, used armed force as a last resort to overturn it. These Americans wanted honest open […]