Nevada’s signature verification system for mail-in ballots has an 89% failure rate

Nevada’s signature verification system for mail-in ballots has an 89% failure rate
Nevada’s signature verification system for mail-in ballots has an 89% failure rate
Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Over ‘Hasty Changes’ to Election Laws
by Chuck Baldwin According to The Salt Lake Tribune, “It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday. “More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened […]
Published: Thursday, April 10, 2014 With the memory of Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, still very vivid in the collective memory of the American people comes another example of a federal government run amuck. A rancher in Nevada is watching the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seize his cattle and arrest his son […]