Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’

Secretary of State warns fellow globalists that US corporate media propaganda is being crushed by “real news” networks Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a tacit admission during a U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities committee meeting yesterday, arguing that the State Department needs more money because the US military-industrial complex is […]

Day Of Rage: Americans Finally Reacting To Economic Rape?

Day Of Rage: Americans Finally Reacting To Economic Rape?

Cairo Moves To Madison: Protesters mass in hallways of Wisconsin state Capitol as debt black hole threatens riots Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Last month we speculated how long it would take for the scenes on the streets of Cairo to be repeated in America. After all, Americans are facing similar levels of economic rape […]

Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul

Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul

News channel deceptively represented Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll victory with footage from 2010 event at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed result Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com In a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to skew Ron Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll win by representing it with footage from […]

Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government

Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government

Listen up Glenn Beck: “Radical Islam” is a creature of the US military-industrial complex Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com While talking heads like Glenn Beck continue to invoke the threat of radical Islam, they habitually ignore the blindingly obvious, that radical Islam is a creature of the US military-industrial complex. Case in point – the […]

Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing

Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing

Documents released under Freedom of Information Act show feds tried to coerce Terry Nichols into accepting responsibility for phone call warning of imminent attack in return for protecting him from death penalty Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the […]

NIA: American Cities Will Resemble Egypt In 2015

NIA: American Cities Will Resemble Egypt In 2015

Soaring food prices to provoke massive civil unrest many times worse than scenes in Cairo? Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com The National Inflation Association has issued a chilling new advisory in which it warns that the inflationary time bomb being created by the policies of the Federal Reserve will lead to American cities experiencing similar […]

TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints

TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints

Roadside inspections to be expanded from rest stops, say TSA officials Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations […]

Kill Switch: Obama Administration Fears Egypt-Style Revolt In U.S.

Kill Switch: Obama Administration Fears Egypt-Style Revolt In U.S.

Obama decries Internet shut-down in Egypt while his own administration prepares to enact same draconian powers to crush dissent during times of political upheaval in America Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com The Obama administration is busy attempting to pass legislation that would give the President a kill switch for the Internet in the United States […]

Globalist Stooge ElBaradei Prepares To Hijack Egyptian Revolution

Globalist Stooge ElBaradei Prepares To Hijack Egyptian Revolution

Won’t get fooled again? Zbigniew Brzezinski tells Mubarak to step down Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Zbigniew Brzezinski has called for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down as globalist stooge Mohammed ElBaradei prepares to act as the pied piper for a revolution that has been hijacked by the global elite. Speaking with fellow CFR […]

Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak As Protester Shot Dead In Egypt

Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak As Protester Shot Dead In Egypt

Authorities shut down Internet and text messaging as riots threaten to topple regime Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com The Obama administration expressed its support for under fire Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak even as footage emerged of a protester being shot dead by Mubarak’s security forces in Cairo, as the government shut down the Internet, land […]

Brzezinski’s Feared “Global Awakening” Has Arrived

Monumental worldwide rallying cry for freedom threatens to derail new world order agenda Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Zbigniew Brzezinski’s much feared “global political awakening” is in full swing. Revolts in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and other countries represent a truly monumental worldwide rallying cry for freedom that threatens to immeasurably damage the agenda for one […]

Abercrombie Shocked At Failure To Discover Obama Birth Certificate

Revelations of close friend of Hawaii Governor contradict official claim that privacy laws prompted Abercrombie to abandon search Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Veteran reporter Mike Evans has described in a radio interview how Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie was shocked at his failure to discover Obama’s birth certificate after using his power […]

Health Authorities Want Depression-Causing Drugs Added To Water Supply

Health Authorities Want Depression-Causing Drugs Added To Water Supply

Mass medication of population part of drive to make people obediently accept “dictatorship without tears,” Aldous Huxley warned in 1962 Berkeley speech Image: Jessica Melling Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Health authorities are pushing for drugs to be added to public water supplies that cause depression and memory loss, as a new study shows that […]

10 Ways In Which China Humiliates The United States

Globalists are using China as the vehicle through which to complete the total deindustrialization of a decaying America Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Rolling out the red carpet, lining Constitution Avenue with Communist flags, and treating unelected Chinese dictator Hu Jintao to lavish White House dinners while he badmouths the U.S. dollar is hard enough […]

FBI Targets Critics Of Government With Home Visits After Arizona Shootings

Another victim of the Tucson tragedy – the right to criticize your Congressperson without getting a knock on the door from the feds Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com We can add another victim to the Tucson tragedy – the right to criticize government without fear of getting a knock on your door from the feds. […]

The Tea Party Deception

Political scientist Joel Skousen lifts the lid on the hidden power that controls both parties Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Joel Skousen, editor of World Affairs Brief, was the chairman of the Conservative National Committee in the 1980?s. In this exclusive video interview for Prison Planet.tv members, Skousen talks about the hidden power structure that […]

Establishment Ignores Violent Rhetoric From Eco-Leftists

Blowing up children and threatening climate change skeptics with physical violence barely merits a mention Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet While the establishment has invoked the supposed threat of vitriolic “right-wing rhetoric” as a tool with which to bludgeon freedom of speech in response to the Tucson shootings, it has conspired to sweep under the […]

Maryland Staged Terror? FBI Caught Provocateuring Patsies

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Reports of two explosions at the Maryland Department of Transportation’s headquarters in Hanover and a state government building in Annapolis should be treated with a huge amount of suspicion given the fact that the FBI has been caught habitually provocateuring patsies to commit bombings, most recently in Baltimore itself. “A […]

You Are A Terrorist

Being a “nice guy,” supporting Ron Paul and talking about the Constitution all signs of terror, according to fusion centers now overseeing massive surveillance program of American people Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com While the establishment constantly invokes the contrived terror threat as justification for the announcement that your every activity is being sent to […]