The Emancipation of Texas

The Emancipation of Texas
The Emancipation of Texas
Texas lawsuit with SCOTUS reveals pathway to instant victory for Trump
written by daniel mcadams Today Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) issued yet another executive order on the coronavirus outbreak – while the Texas state legislature continues slumbering while collecting paychecks for no work. The mainstream media, predictably, is mis-reporting the executive order as a “statewide face covering requirement for Texans.” It is no such thing. However, […]
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Tuesday slammed White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci over what he said is Fauci’s penchant for being wrong about the country’s health crisis.
by Dave Jolly In another attempt to steal land from American citizens, the Bureau of Land Management is considering taking 90,000 acres from Texas residents. When Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803, it established the border between Texas and Louisiana to be the bans of the Red River. Like many other rivers, […]
Thursday, November 15, 2012 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (See all articles…) (NaturalNews) Citizens from all 50 U.S. states have now filed petitions with the White House asking for “peaceful secession” from the union. According to Daily Caller, more than 675,000 petition signatures have now been collected. The […]