RE: Vote To Extend The USA Patriot Act

RE: Vote To Extend The USA Patriot Act

League of the South Statement
RE: Vote To Extend The USA Patriot Act

10 February 2011

The League of the South warned Southern conservatives that the Tea Party did not merit their trust. As proof we were correct, we offer this. Thirty-two out of forty members of the US House who were Tea Party-backed candidates voted to extend the tyrannical USA Patriot Act. Those who voted to extend the act are as follows:

Tim Griffin (AR-2), Paul Gosar (AZ-1), Steve Souderland (FL-2),Allen West (FL-22), Sandy Adams (FL-24), Bob Dold (IL-10), AdamKinzinger (IL-11), Marlin Stutzman (IN-3), Todd Young (IN-9), Jeff Landry(LA-3), Dan Benishek (MI-1), Tim Walberg (MI-7), Michelle Bachmann(MN-6), Vicky Hartzler (MO-4), Renee Ellmers (NC-2), Frank Guinta(NH-1), Joe Heck (NV-3), Michael Grimm (NY-13), Steven Chabot (OH-1), BillJohnson (OH-6), Steve Stivers (OH-15), Jim Renacci (OH-16), Tim Scott (SC-1),Jeff Duncan (SC-3), Trey Gowdy (SC-4), Mick Mulvaney (SC-5), Scott DesJarlais(TN-4), Bill Flores (TX-17), H. Morgan Griffith (VA-9), Sean Duffy (WI-7), ReidRibble (WI-8), David McKinley (WV-1)

Please note that nearly half these votes (15) were cast by Southern representatives who are favorable to Tea Party interests.

We don’t claim to know everything, but we do know this: As long as the Republicans and Democrats run things in DC, there will be no meaningful change for the better in America.The League has been proved right once again. But when will our folks turn away from the Establishment and listen to a more reasonable voice? We’ll be waiting. . . with a real solution: Southern independence.

Original post can be viewed here

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