Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama

Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama

Creature of federal government played role of Judas in betraying his own state


Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama  260511top
Image: Wikipedia

The man who was instrumental in working with the federal government to sabotage a bill that would have made TSA grope downs a felony in the state of Texas was Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a former CIA agent and establishment insider considered to be the wealthiest man in Texas politics.

As we have documented, the anti-pat down bill was derailed in the Texas Senate having unanimously passed the House by 138-0 votes after the Department of Justice sent a letter threatening to impose a no fly zone over Texas and shut down Texas airports. The warning was nothing short of a federal blockade and an act of financial terrorism.

But the federal assault was aided by a traitor from within the state, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who only served to amplify the threats made by the DOJ in communicating them to members of the Senate, convincing them them to cave in and forcing the hand of Senator Dan Patrick to withdraw the bill before it could be shot down permanently.

“He came up with this elaborate political play to kill the bill without his fingerprints,” Sen. Patrick, R-Houston stated, adding, “His fingerprints are all over this.”

“Someone who will undermine his members and someone who will not stand up to the federal government — you have to ask yourself is that the kind of person that we need in the U.S. Senate,” Patrick said, adding that Dewhurst “sideswiped” him on Tuesday night by turning members against the bill.

Patrick is now planning to insert an amendment within the bill that will mandate the federal government comply within six months. However, some will merely see that as unnecessarily watering down the legislation.

“I hear he’s thinking about running for governor,” Patrick said. “I hear he’s thinking about running for senator. In the last 24 hours, he’s given me some things to think about.”

Given the fact that Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is undoubtedly an establishment insider it’s unsurprising that he played the role of Judas in protecting the agenda of the Obama administration over and above the will of his own legislators and the people of Texas.

Dewhurst is a creature of the federal government, having worked as a CIA agent and also served in the US State Department. He was also director of the state Task Force on Homeland Security.

During his tenure in the CIA in the early 1970?s, Dewhurst helped the U.S. government violently overthrow democratically elected regimes in South America to plunder their oil and other resources, including the coup that helped neo-nazi Bolivian Gen. Hugo Banzer Suárez come to power. Banzer was aided by notorious Nazi Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyon,” who escaped France after the end of World War 2 to enter Bolivia.

Barbie, an expert in cruel and inhumane forms of torture for the purposes of interrogation, was a key CIA liaison throughout the years Dewhurst served in South America. When the Austin Chronicle asked Dewhurst whether he had enjoyed a drink with the “butcher of Lyon” at the US embassy bar, he responded, “I never comment on intelligence matters.”

So in Dewhurst we basically have a man who helped neo-nazis, as well as Nazi torture experts, overthrow legitimate governments in the 70?s now helping the Obama administration overthrow America in 2011, by protecting an army of TSA thugs who are being used to completely demolish constitutional rights.

Following the recent raid on Osama Bin Laden’s alleged compound, Dewhurst hinted that he still moved very much within spook circles when he stated, “I can’t go into details, but the capabilities that the United States has developed over the years is nothing short of breath-taking.”

“Little is known about Dewhurst. His life story is an impenetrable fog of obfuscation punctuated by tantalizing facts,” reports the Texas Observer. “This secrecy has extended from his military record to the sources of his wealth to his current financial conflicts. He has repeatedly gotten into trouble with the Texas Ethics Commission for overly vague financial filings. State elected officials are required to either disclose their finances or put all their assets in a blind trust. Until 2008, Dewhurst declined to do either, putting his money in a (nonblind) trust and declining to release information about it.”

During his campaign for lieutenant governor in 2001, Dewhurst ran an ad featuring a German Luftwaffe officer standing in front of an American flag, somewhat appropriate given the fact that Dewhurst obviously believes Americans should be forced to ‘show their papers’ at checkpoints manned by TSA goons which are popping up all over the country just like people in Nazi Germany were also forced to endure checkpoints and strip-searches.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

Original article can be viewed here


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