Adan Salazar
January 14, 2013
What just a few months ago was dismissed as a pipe dream or wishful thinking has today become a reality that will no doubt take the gun debate, not just nationally but worldwide, to a whole new level. has been reporting on this 3D printing innovator’s amazing work over the last few months. As Infowars breaks this story online, we wonder if the dinosaur press will realize the incredible significance of this – this technological development will circumvent unconstitutional magazine bans and could end the huge shortages we’re seeing. The future is now.
In November’s issue of Infowars Magazine, we wrote about Defense Distributed, a non-profit thinktank experimenting with the revolutionary technology of desktop 3D printing.
Defense Distributed’s goal is to provide a website that anyone in the world could visit to download the files needed to literally print out a working firearm, aptly dubbed the “wiki weapon,” using a 3D printer, a technology that’s already available to the average citizen and is also becoming increasingly affordable.
We are pleased to announce that a huge leap has been made in bringing that concept to fruition.
Yesterday, we received word from the group that they had produced a working 30-round AR magazine, demonstrably very capable as exemplified in a video of Defense Distributed’s un-official frontman Cody Wilson going to town using a fully-automatic rifle.
In the video, Wilson sarcastically asks, “How’s that national conversation going?” as he proceeds to fire a barrage of bullets from a gun notably outfitted with a 30-round 3D printed magazine.
AR Magazine’s Demonization and Scarcity
In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, the AR 30-round magazine has become highly sought-after, despite the fact that a report by NBC concluded that suspected gunman Adam Lanza did not use an automatic rifle during the shooting and instead left the weapon in his car during the assault.
The popular AR magazine is one of the items at the center of the heated gun debate and is set to be banned if Cali. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s anti-assault weapons bill passes, which “Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.”
Top gun parts manufacturers have reported that they are having a hard time keeping this particular magazine in stock, with at least one manufacturer, Haus of Guns, reporting a backorder of at least one million magazines.
With people now able to print their own AR magazines, the burden on gun manufacturers should definitely be lightened.
David Gregory Got Away with Having an AR Magazine on NBC

NBC’s David Gregory also recently received backlash for flashing an AR high-capacity magazine on national television during an interview.
A few weeks ago, during a segment on “Meet the Press,” Gregory decided it would bolster his anti-gun argument to flash a magazine at NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, while asking, “Isn’t it possible that if we got rid of these…we could reduce the carnage in a situation like Newtown?”
It was recently announced that, although many were outraged by Gregory’s audacity in breaking DC’s restrictive firearm laws, which prohibit magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, no charges would be brought up against him or NBC (surprise, surprise…).
The Atlantic Wire reported that Washington DC Attorney General Irvin B. Nathan decided against pressing charges on Gregory, saying that “the temporary possession and short display of the magazine was to promote the First Amendment purpose of informing an ongoing public debate about firearms policy in the United States.”
Rep Steve Israel Sees Potential for 3D Printed Weapons

While Defense Distributed’s ultimate goal of arming the world with 3D printed weapons is still quite a ways down the road, one Congressman fears the technology’s potential.
In December, Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) announced that he would seek legislation renewing the federal ban on undetectable firearms set to expire at the end of this year.
According to his House site, Israel told lawmakers, “Congress passed a law banning plastic guns for two decades, when they were just a movie fantasy. With the advent of 3-D printers these guns are suddenly a real possibility, but the law Congress passed is set to expire next year. We should act now to give law enforcement authorities the power to stop the development of these weapons before they are as easy to come by as a Google search. ”
The piece of legislation Israel is referring to is the Undetectable Firearms Act which makes it unlawful to produce a firearm that is not detectable by a walk-through metal detector or X-ray machine.
As we noted in the November issue of Infowars Magazine, Defense Distributed is well aware of the “undetectable” law, and say their weapons will comply with said measure; however, they are keeping it a secret as to how exactly they plan to bypass this little piece of legislation: “We’ve been pretty public about telling people what we’re doing, but I’m not sure I want to give away the legal strategy here…Bottom line we’re gonna follow the law.”
What’s Next for Defense Distributed?
It remains to be seen where “A little American ingenuity,” as they note in their Youtube video, will take Defense Distributed, whose noble goal it is to provide a firearm portable defense to anyone who so desires it; however, as we stated previously, it should only be a matter of time before all anyone will need is the internet, a 3D printer, and some ammo.
Visit Defense Distributed where you can read reviews on the new mag or click here to download your high-capacity AR magazine now.
Original article can be viewed here
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