Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?
Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?
Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?
Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed
Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine killed 40 times more old people than the virus itself would have
Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions
Wednesday, July 08, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson (Natural News) Four months before SARS-CoV-2 began infecting the people of China; Bill Gates was busy negotiating a $100 billion contact tracing program to be implemented by governments and forced on all Americans. On the week of August 12th to 19th, the Gates Foundation met privately with U.S. Congressman Bobby […]