America is now a FAILED STATE… no rule of law, no police, no leadership, no free speech, no functioning markets and no equal protection under the law… YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN

America is now a FAILED STATE… no rule of law, no police, no leadership, no free speech, no functioning markets and no equal protection under the law… YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN

Saturday, June 20, 2020 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) America is now a failed state. In America, you can call 911 and the police will never show up if your property is in or near a Black Lives Matter terrorist zone, which are now de facto “police no-go zones” on U.S. soil. In America, there are no functioning […]

Google Targets Conservative Sites In Latest Crackdown

Google Targets Conservative Sites In Latest Crackdown

written by jonathan turley wednesday june 17, 2020 Google has moved against another set of conservative sites. While many have celebrated the action against ZeroHedge and The Federalist, I remain deeply concerned over the free speech implications of such actions. I have written for years about public and private censorship, including recent actions to regulate and control speech on the Internet. Democratic […]

Punishing ‘Wrongthink’

Punishing ‘Wrongthink’

 For Liberty Staff Article from For Liberty by Norm Leahy. Out of camera range, there’s another kind of protest march underway, this one aimed at silencing – or “canceling” – the opinions, and even the careers, of those who aren’t sufficiently woke. Reason Magazine’s Robby Soave illustrates what’s happening to researchers and faculty on college campuses who […]

Blogger threatened with jail for writing on health

Blogger threatened with jail for writing on health

‘This is America and American people should be free to give each other advice’   By Jack Minor   A blogger in North Carolina has been threatened with jail time for “practicing nutrition without a license” by writing about his experiences with diabetes and telling readers what types of food he was eating. It was […]

Righthaven vs. Michael Nystrom / Daily Paul DISMISSED by Federal Judge

Righthaven vs. Michael Nystrom / Daily Paul DISMISSED by Federal Judge

by Michael Nystrom | March 16, 2011 Last Tuesday U.S. District Judge James C. Mahan ordered the dismissal of Righthaven’s lawsuit against me and the Daily Paul. As you may recall, copyright troll and legal terrorist Righthaven sued me on August 31st of last year, demanding $75,000 and forfeiture of this domain name to them. […]

Supreme Court: Anti-gay funeral picketers allowed

Supreme Court: Anti-gay funeral picketers allowed

By MARK SHERMAN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a grieving father’s pain over mocking protests at his Marine son’s funeral must yield to First Amendment protections for free speech. All but one justice sided with a fundamentalist church that has stirred outrage with raucous demonstrations contending God is punishing […]