The Bankers’ Blood Money: Secession and Invasion

The Bankers’ Blood Money: Secession and Invasion
The Bankers’ Blood Money: Secession and Invasion
Monday, June 15, 2020 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The canceling of Christopher Columbus and Robert E. Lee is just not enough. The leftist mob now wants to also tear down the statues and memory of Thomas Jefferson and even George Washington, America’s first president, simply because these individuals were white and, according to the history books, owned […]
Posted on July 23, 2014 by Gary DeMar Pastor Tullian Tchividjian (pronounced cha-vi-jin), the grandson of famed evangelist Billy Graham and senior pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, “believes that evangelical Christianity has been tarnished by its association with the religious right.” Tarnished by whom? Who is making this claim and where are […]
by Giacomo When I was attending graduate school in the mid 1990s, I remember reading about a United Nations global summit conference to discuss global warming. What struck me about the UN conference is that over 200 of the top climate scientists in the world were NOT invited to take part. These top scientists […]
by Dave Jolly Second Amendment advocates, including myself have long compared our nation’s attempts to register and control firearms to Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, but few seem to know that it started before Hitler. Hitler used what was […]
posted on February 20, 2013 by Giacomo From President Barack Obama down the ladder of liberal Democrats, they have worked long and hard to persuade the American people that assault-style rifles are evil and should be banned from sales and ownership. Everyone keeps referring to the shootings of all the school kids and […]
Chuck Baldwin Passage of the so-called “health care reform” bill in the House of Representatives this past Sunday, March 21 (I won’t even address the inferred unconstitutionality of Congress doing business on the Lord’s Day. See Article. I. Section. 7. Paragraph. 2.) drove yet another stake into the heart of America. For all intents […]