Judas Goat Glenn Beck Colludes With CIA and CFR to Take Down Patriot Movement

Judas Goat Glenn Beck Colludes With CIA and CFR to Take Down Patriot Movement

  The pedigree of Beck’s circle reveals he is not a libertarian and does not believe in the Constitution Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com April 25, 2014 Glenn Beck, who fancies himself a libertarian, is working with corporate media insiders and a former CIA employee who flaunts his membership in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. The […]

Retired Army Captain Warns DHS Acquisitions are ‘bold threat of war’ Against the American People

Retired Army Captain Warns DHS Acquisitions are ‘bold threat of war’ Against the American People

  Says Americans may have to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against the Obama Administration’s “coup” against the People Adan Salazar Infowars.com March 24, 2013 On Saturday, retired United States Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow publicly voiced grave concerns over the Department of Homeland Security’s absurd acquisitions, posting a letter he sent […]

15 Members of Congress Demand Investigation of Obama’s Ammo Horde

15 Members of Congress Demand Investigation of Obama’s Ammo Horde

  Congressman Asks if DHS Bullet Buys Aimed at Restricting Ammo Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com March 22, 2013 Californian Congressman Doug LaMalfa and 14 of his House peers have written a letter to the Department of Homeland Security demanding to know why the federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the […]

Ore. Bills to Label GMOs and Ban Genetically Modified Fish Introduced

Ore. Bills to Label GMOs and Ban Genetically Modified Fish Introduced

  Mikael Thalen Infowars.com March 22, 2013 The Oregon House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources heard testimony Thursday regarding three bills concerning genetically modified organisms including labeling initiatives and an outright ban on the importation of genetically-engineered fish. H.B. 2175 would require foods that contain or are produced using genetically modified material to be […]

Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Gun Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists

Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Gun Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists

  Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com February 3, 2013 During an interview with the Wall Street Journal posted on January 30, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said “anti-government people” espousing what amounts to a “Confederate ideology” will engage in terrorist activities unless the government enacts draconian laws restricting the possession of firearms.   Jackson said the Second Amendment […]

Do Not Fly: the Feds May Be Planning a Massacre at Checkpoint Lines

Do Not Fly: the Feds May Be Planning a Massacre at Checkpoint Lines

  Becky Akers Lew Rockwell Blog Jan 27, 2013   I’m not certain whether The Washington Times considers itself mainstream media, and, if it does, whether anyone else agrees. But it contains a lengthy warning that the Fedcoats may be plotting a “mass shooting” at one of the TSA’s checkpoints, a la Newtown or the movie-theater in Colorado. […]

Feinstein Rolls Out Draconian Attack on Second Amendment

Feinstein Rolls Out Draconian Attack on Second Amendment

  Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com January 24, 2013 Senator Dianne Feinstein unveiled her promised attack against the Second Amendment Thursday on Capitol Hill. The legislation she has proposed following the Sandy Hook massacre last month will reinstate and significantly extend the federal ban on so-called assault weapons that expired in 2004.   “The purpose is to […]

Prominent Gun-Control Advocate Compares Firearms Owners To Nazis

Prominent Gun-Control Advocate Compares Firearms Owners To Nazis

  Veteran passionately defends Second Amendment at Chicago anti-gun forum   Steve Watson Infowars.com Jan 23, 2013   A pro-gun control meeting held by New Trier Democrats in Glenview, Chicago, turned into a raucous exchange Sunday when most of the audience members took offense to comparisons of gun enthusiasts to Nazis. The event was labeled […]

DHS Says Gun Owners Are Terrorists

DHS Says Gun Owners Are Terrorists

  Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com January 17, 2013 Following Obama’s choreographed attack on the Second Amendment earlier this week, the Department of Homeland Security announced it will join the administration, the Justice Department and the FBI in a renewed attack on firearms.   Under the guise of preventing what is largely unpreventable short of disarming the […]

Breaking: Printable AR 30-Round Magazines Now Available for Download, Seriously

Breaking: Printable AR 30-Round Magazines Now Available for Download, Seriously

Adan Salazar Infowars.com January 14, 2013 What just a few months ago was dismissed as a pipe dream or wishful thinking has today become a reality that will no doubt take the gun debate, not just nationally but worldwide, to a whole new level. Infowars.com has been reporting on this 3D printing innovator’s amazing work […]

Petition: Try Dianne Feinstein For Treason

Petition: Try Dianne Feinstein For Treason

California Senator’s gun grabbing legislation causes outrage Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com December 28, 2012 The latest White House petition garnering attention demands that Senator Dianne Feinstein be tried in federal court for treason against the constitution for her role in introducing legislation that would go a long way to repealing the second amendment. The full […]

Pearl Harbor as a Noble Lie

Pearl Harbor as a Noble Lie

Tim Kelly Infowars.com December 7, 2012     Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, rumors began to circulate challenging the official narrative that it was an unprovoked surprise attack. The cumulative evidence gathered over the last seventy years by scholars, journalists, and investigators vindicates those suspicious of treachery from […]

Obamacare to Bankrupt Businesses and Families

Obamacare to Bankrupt Businesses and Families

Melissa Melton Infowars.com November 14, 2012   A post-election poll of more than a thousand Americans showed that support for repealing the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, dropped to an all-time low. Although President Obama’s health care initiative will include 20 new or raised taxes, forty-nine percent of respondents still favored it, even as businesses […]

Citizens from 34 States Petition the White House to Secede from the U.S.

Citizens from 34 States Petition the White House to Secede from the U.S.

Adan Salazar Infowars.com November 13, 2012 Citizens from 14 additional states have opened up petitions on the White House’s “We the People” petition submission site – the government’s “new, easy way for Americans to make their voice heard in our government” – asking to allow “peaceful withdrawal” from the continental United States, a staggering increase […]

Forget Your Free Phone, Obama Has Screwed The Poor

Forget Your Free Phone, Obama Has Screwed The Poor

  Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com September 28, 2012       “Everybody got Obama phone!”   A video clip posted by the Drudge Report that has since gone viral which shows an Obama supporter semi-incoherently blathering about how she is voting for Obama because the government gave her a free phone tragically underscores how the […]

Taxpayers to Fund Hollywood ObamaCare Propaganda

Taxpayers to Fund Hollywood ObamaCare Propaganda

Alex Newman The New American September 18, 2012 Taxpayers are funding a “public relations” marketing contract to promote ObamaCare worth almost $1 million so far that will include working with Hollywood to promote the controversial federal healthcare takeover in popular TV shows. Critics blasted the deal as an effort to use propaganda to drum up […]

Federal Judge Reinstates Unconstitutional NDAA

Federal Judge Reinstates Unconstitutional NDAA

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com September 18, 2012 Late Monday night a federal judge in New York, Raymond Lohier, granted the Obama administration an “emergency” stay that temporarily blocks a ruling by U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest last week blocking the NDAA. “Lohier offered no explanation or rationale for the temporary stay. However, the Justice Department has […]