Net worth of top Democrat politicians is obscene, so it’s time for them to practice what they preach and “give up a piece of their pie” so unfortunate others can “have more”

Net worth of top Democrat politicians is obscene
Net worth of top Democrat politicians is obscene
Trump and former officials indicted for asking for phone numbers, encouraging people to watch TV, reserving rooms and other “petty” offenses
Saturday, May 28, 2022 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The FBI’s fingerprints are all over the Buffalo mass shooting. A local news report from the Buffalo News has linked a retired federal agent to the shooting because he apparently knew about it at least 30 minutes before it occurred. The former agent, believed to be from Texas, is said […]
Is FAKE Prez. Biden about to be exposed and removed?
Biden’s advisers have deep, dangerous, ties to Chinese Communist and military officials
calling for the arrest, prosecution and EXECUTION of all corporate leaders who collude with communist China to suppress human rights