Do Not Fly: the Feds May Be Planning a Massacre at Checkpoint Lines

Do Not Fly: the Feds May Be Planning a Massacre at Checkpoint Lines

  Becky Akers Lew Rockwell Blog Jan 27, 2013   I’m not certain whether The Washington Times considers itself mainstream media, and, if it does, whether anyone else agrees. But it contains a lengthy warning that the Fedcoats may be plotting a “mass shooting” at one of the TSA’s checkpoints, a la Newtown or the movie-theater in Colorado. […]

TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints

TSA Invades Roads & Highways With VIPR Checkpoints

Roadside inspections to be expanded from rest stops, say TSA officials Paul Joseph Watson Prison The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations […]

Embarrassed TSA goes after whistle-blowing pilot

He posts YouTube videos of security loopholes at SFO, and instead of remedying them, the agency attacks him By Patrick Smith It wasn’t me. I almost wish that it was, but it wasn’t. I am not the pilot who found himself in hot water for posting scandalous security videos on YouTube. The pilot, whose name […]

Where to Report and Discuss TSA Abuses

Where to Report and Discuss TSA Abuses Posted by Jim Harper With the TSA sticking by its policy of requiring select air travelers to submit to visual observation or physical touching of their private areas before they can fly, a number of groups are collecting reports and facilitating public discussion. The American Civil Liberties Union has […]

Guess who ordered nude body scanners

LIFE WITH BIG BROTHER Guess who ordered nude body scanners Attorney with multiple constitutional claims confirms orders come straight from the top By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily Editor’s Note: Some of the links in this report lead to graphic images that have been taken from current airport security scanning procedures. Use caution in viewing the links. […]