Obamacare Taxes & Individual Mandate About to be Ruled Unconstitutional?

Obamacare Taxes & Individual Mandate About to be Ruled Unconstitutional?

  Posted on April 17, 2014 by Dave Jolly On June 28, 2012 the United States Supreme Court stunned the nation by upholding the entire Obamacare package. Chief Justice John Roberts broke before the four – four tie by ruling that the penalty part of the insurance mandate was a tax.   Once Roberts ruled […]

Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada Health Exchange

Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada Health Exchange

  Benjamin Fearnow April 2, 2014 6:51 AM Las Vegas (CBS LAS VEGAS) – Just days after the deadline to enroll for insurance coverage through Nevada Health Link, the first class-action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of residents who say they signed up and paid their premiums – but were never given coverage. Law […]

IRS Prepared to Enforce Obamacare with Fines and Fees

IRS Prepared to Enforce Obamacare with Fines and Fees

  Harry Reid and the Democrats are determined to shove this historical monstrosity down your throat Infowars.com February 26, 2014     The IRS is fully prepared to go after the American people if they neglect their “shared responsibility” under Obamacare, the government enforced mandate designed to enrich large insurance corporations and degrade the quality […]

Obamacare Contributing to Obama’s Inequality of Wealth Just as He Planned

  Posted on January 31, 2014 by Dave Jolly One of the issues that President Barack Obama hammered on during his State of the Dictatorship address was the growing inequality of wealth.  He complained that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is widening and said something has to be done to change it. […]

Democrat: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the “solution” to Obamacare

Democrat: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the “solution” to Obamacare

  Stephen Dinan The Washington Times November 16, 2013   Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights. The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their […]

Doctors warn if they participate in Obamacare, they’ll go broke

Doctors warn if they participate in Obamacare, they’ll go broke

  Tuesday, October 29, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes   (NaturalNews) One of the things I hear most from supporters of Obamacare (yes, they are still there) is that finally, millions of Americans who previously did not have health insurance will get coverage and have full access to the nation’s healthcare system. When I hear […]

Liberals in state of shock as they realize free health care was another Obama fairy tale

Liberals in state of shock as they realize free health care was another Obama fairy tale

  Saturday, October 12, 2013 by: PF Louis   (NaturalNews) Finally, though too late, the chickens have come home to roost for many Obama supporters and apologists. It isn’t from the endless invasions and occupations, Wall Street bailouts, drones, increased gestapo security measures, NSA or several other corrupt episodes swept into the memory holes of […]

The Devastating Truth Behind Obamacare

The Devastating Truth Behind Obamacare

  October 4, 2013 by Jon Rappoport   I want my Obamacare! I want my Obamacare! It’s vital to look at the real meaning of this sinister plan. It’s all about the toxic effects of mainstream medicine. That’s what the sold-out press is refusing to examine. A year ago, I discussed the case of a […]

Obamacare to soon cost the average American family $20,000 a year, announces IRS

Obamacare to soon cost the average American family $20,000 a year, announces IRS

    Friday, February 01, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles…)   (NaturalNews) Under Obamacare, American families are forced to buy conventional health insurance that primarily benefits the pharmaceutical industry. By 2016 — just three years from now — the cheapest health insurance plan available will cost a […]

Obamacare to Bankrupt Businesses and Families

Obamacare to Bankrupt Businesses and Families

Melissa Melton Infowars.com November 14, 2012   A post-election poll of more than a thousand Americans showed that support for repealing the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, dropped to an all-time low. Although President Obama’s health care initiative will include 20 new or raised taxes, forty-nine percent of respondents still favored it, even as businesses […]

Taxpayers to Fund Hollywood ObamaCare Propaganda

Taxpayers to Fund Hollywood ObamaCare Propaganda

Alex Newman The New American September 18, 2012 Taxpayers are funding a “public relations” marketing contract to promote ObamaCare worth almost $1 million so far that will include working with Hollywood to promote the controversial federal healthcare takeover in popular TV shows. Critics blasted the deal as an effort to use propaganda to drum up […]

Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don’t even want

Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don’t even want

  Thursday, June 28, 2012 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com     (NaturalNews) Regardless of whether you agree with the fundamentals of Obamacare, the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled the federal government has the power to tax Americans into mandatory purchases of private industry products means an […]

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Obamacare

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Obamacare

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com June 28, 2012 In a victory for the New Deal bastardization of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has ruled that the government can mandate at gunpoint that Americans buy monopolized health care insurance. “The Supreme Court upheld the health care law today in a splintered, complex opinion that appears to give President […]

Government: Congress holds absolute power over consumers

Government: Congress holds absolute power over consumers

Doctor’s Orders Confirms argument of Obamacare opponents that Americans can be forced to buy products   By Bob Unruh © 2011 WorldNetDaily   The acting solicitor general for the United States today claimed in a federal appeals court hearing that Congress has the absolute power to order citizens to purchase consumer goods if lawmakers believe there is […]

Judge Vinson’s Greatest Hits

Judge Vinson’s Greatest Hits

Posted by Ilya Shapiro It’s hard to get too excited about a district court decision — this is one of several, and will be superseded by circuit and eventual Supreme Court decisions — but this decision in Florida v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services is remarkable.  Most notably, the 78-page ruling is well theorized and engaging (Vinson’s opus is […]

Va. federal judge strikes down health care law

Obama administration likely to appeal; case will likely go to Supreme Court msnbc.com news services updated WASHINGTON — A federal judge declared the Obama administration’s health care law unconstitutional Monday, siding with Virginia’s attorney general in a dispute that both sides agree will ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Read the Va. judge’s […]