New evidence suggests the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Food and Drug Administration may have violated…..
New evidence suggests the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Food and Drug Administration may have violated…..
Police State
Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?
Vaccine Authoritarianism Explained
COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Plummet in Southern US, Rise in Northern States
There Is No Legal Precedent for Biden’s Federal Vaccine Order
The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny
Is The Covid Pandemic Actually A Top-Secret Government EXERCISE?
Fake president Biden FAKES White House vaccine photo-op while NY Gov. Hochul says God created vaccines and we must worship Big Pharma as our new saviors
Eighteen months of COVID-related health data show the numbers promulgated by public health officials and mainstream media vastly overstate the risk of COVID and downplay the risk of vaccines.
Pope Francis completes Vatican’s submission to satanism by mandating spike protein injections for all visitors and workers
Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans
CDC Admits They Have Been Counting The Flu As Covid Cases … Numbers Largely Inflated
American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients while deliberately exaggerating covid death claims
Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the truth behind COVID-19 protocols
Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To Vaccinations
Governments keep forcing masks despite indications they’ve done little to slow Covid’s spread
DHS warning is really a blueprint for a coming false flag violent attack to be waged by the deep state and blamed on the unvaccinated
Cloth Masks Don’t Work Despite Orders from CDC to Wear Them
CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold