Nanny State Betrays Decline and Fall of America

Nanny State Betrays Decline and Fall of America

Firework ban, tree ordinance latest examples of rampant authoritarian assault on all levels of society Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, May 31, 2011     Two more ridiculous examples of the nanny state kicking into high gear add to the overwhelming weight of evidence indicating that America is in a state of terminal decline, […]

Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama

Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama

Creature of federal government played role of Judas in betraying his own state   Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, May 26, 2011   Image: Wikipedia The man who was instrumental in working with the federal government to sabotage a bill that would have made TSA grope downs a felony in the state of Texas […]

Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy

Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy

Author says he is about to blow the whistle on who helped forged the long form birth certificate   Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, May 23, 2011     Image: Wikimedia Commons As he prepares to release shocking new evidence and name the people who he claims were behind the forgery of Barack Obama’s […]

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

Forget copyright infringement, You Tube is now complying with removal orders from governments to stop populist rage going viral     Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, May 20, 2011 In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with […]

Bill Clinton Calls For Internet ‘Ministry of Truth’

Bill Clinton Calls For Internet ‘Ministry of Truth’

  Despite couching his idea in fluffy, friendly, democratic rhetoric, Clinton is advocating the creation of a Communist Chinese-style state run media outlet Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, May 19, 2011 Mr Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton, a man who knowingly lied to the nation on live television […]

While You Were Sleeping, They Abolished the Fourth Amendment

While You Were Sleeping, They Abolished the Fourth Amendment

  Debate Over: The United States has official entered the annuls of history as a Soviet-style police state Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, May 17, 2011       Two recent Supreme Court cases have served to virtually abolish the Fourth Amendment in the United States of America, with citizens no longer being “secure […]

Narrative Behind Bin Laden Fable Flip-Flops AGAIN

Narrative Behind Bin Laden Fable Flip-Flops AGAIN

Obama administration’s struggle to get its lies straight is an insult to the intelligence of the American people Paul Joseph Watson Prison   You have to wonder what on earth the Obama administration hopes to achieve by continually insulting the intelligence of the American people, after the official narrative behind the alleged Bin Laden […]

What Else Will The Government’s “Special Chip” In Your Cellphone Do?

What Else Will The Government’s “Special Chip” In Your Cellphone Do?

  The Obama administration is engaged in a totalitarian takeover of all communications   Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, May 11, 2011     The announcement that Americans are set to be bombarded with mandatory government propaganda via their cellphones represents a shocking lurch forward in the Obama administration’s bid to launch a total […]

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

Every indication clearly points to last Sunday’s raid being a manufactured ploy to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration   Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, May 9, 2011 Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates […]

Staged: White House “Situation Room” Photos Part Of Bin Laden Fable

Staged: White House “Situation Room” Photos Part Of Bin Laden Fable

Dramatic images that media claimed represented Obama and Clinton watching live assassination of Bin Laden revealed to be a PR stunt       Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, May 5, 2011 In addition to images of President Obama’s address to the American public on Sunday night, it has emerged that the dramatic photos […]

Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda

Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda

        Everything about the Bin Laden myth is fake, so why worry about illustrating his “death” with another contrived hoax? Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, May 2, 2011 Killing Osama bin Laden is a pretty big deal. You’d think that it would be in the interests of US forces to take […]

Top Mexican Drug Lord: I Trafficked Cocaine For The U.S. Government

Top Mexican Drug Lord: I Trafficked Cocaine For The U.S. Government

Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla was “logistical coordinator” for narco-gang behind purchase of CIA torture jet that wrecked with four tons of cocaine     Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, April 27, 2011 The “logistical coordinator” for a top Mexican drug-trafficking gang that was responsible for purchasing the CIA torture jet that crashed with four […]

Ron Paul 2012: Last Chance To Rescue America?

Ron Paul 2012: Last Chance To Rescue America?

The only presidential candidate that can preserve the United States as an economic superpower Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, April 26, 2011 With Ron Paul now all but certain to officially announce his bid for the 2012 presidency, it is imperative that Americans understand that the Texas Congressman represents the United States’ last hope […]

Bilderberg Insider: Kissinger Pushing For US Ground Invasion Of Libya

Bilderberg Insider: Kissinger Pushing For US Ground Invasion Of Libya

  Globalists want protracted war to last through 2012 Image: Wikimedia Commons Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, April 22, 2011 – UPDATED 2:17PM CST Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can barely service its own gigantic debt, with Standard and Poor this week indicating the US […]

Leftist “Economic Terrorists” Are Patsies For The Real Economic Terrorists

Leftist “Economic Terrorists” Are Patsies For The Real Economic Terrorists

Union plan to crash Wall Street and “redistribute wealth” will be used as a scapegoat for when insiders decide to launch the next financial false flag Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison The controversy generated around the remarks of former SEIU official Stephen Lerner and his plan to rally unions, lawmakers, student groups […]

Fox News Contrives “Human Shield” Hoax To Sell Libya War

Fox News Contrives “Human Shield” Hoax To Sell Libya War

“Exclusive” story about Gaddafi using western journalists as human shields is “nuts, “outrageous,” “ridiculous,” and “absolutely hypocritical,” states CNN reporter involved in tour Paul Joseph Watson Prison Just as Bill Clinton’s bombardment of Serbia was launched on the back of a humanitarian hoax about fake concentration camps, establishment media outlets are already busy contriving […]

Another Illegal War Of Slaughter Couched In “Humanitarian” Doublespeak

Another Illegal War Of Slaughter Couched In “Humanitarian” Doublespeak

International Community Responds to Fukushima Crisis – By Bombing Libya Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, March 18, 2011 Those who were asking what the “international community” planned to do in response to the escalating global crisis surrounding the nuclear plant in Fukushima now have their answer – bomb Libya. As if the world wasn’t […]

Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst: “Major War” Coming End Of 2012

Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst: “Major War” Coming End Of 2012

Massive conflict will prompt stock market collapse, predicts cycle strategist Nenner Paul Joseph Watson Prison Watch the latest video at When cycle forecaster Charles Nenner told the Fox Business network yesterday that the Dow Jones was set to collapse to the 5,000 level on the back of a “major war” that will shake […]

Bob Bowman: Star Wars Secrets & Lies

Bob Bowman: Star Wars Secrets & Lies

Former head of SDI blows the whistle on the militarization of space Paul Joseph Watson Prison This special video interview for Prison subscribers features a discussion with Robert M. Bowman, a former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United […]

British Tax Protesters Arrest Judge In Act Of “Lawful Rebellion”

British Tax Protesters Arrest Judge In Act Of “Lawful Rebellion”

Birth of British Tea Party? Chaotic scenes as police clash with demonstrators Paul Joseph Watson Prison For those wondering whether we can expect to see anything like the scenes witnessed in Egypt coming to America or the United Kingdom, the actions of British protesters who engaged in “lawful rebellion” by attempting to arrest a […]